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5 Signs of High Cholesterol and How to Lower It

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – One of the health risks that many people worry about is high cholesterol.

No wonder this is a concern, because according to the Directorate General of Health Services of the Ministry of Health, cholesterol sufferers in Indonesia will reach 28 percent by 2022.

When cholesterol levels in the blood exceed normal levels and cholesterol numbers become uncontrollable, various kinds of health problems can occur, such as hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes.

Given that these diseases can be very dangerous and even life threatening, it’s good if you know what the characteristics of high cholesterol are like.

Moreover, the lack of awareness of sufferers can not only worsen health conditions, but also cause various disturbances in daily activities.

So, what are the signs of high cholesterol in the body? Check out the 5 features below.

1) Headache

Excessive headaches can be a sign of high cholesterol in the body. According to KlikDokter, this condition is caused by a disturbance in blood flow to the head due to blockage of blood vessels.

Well, it turns out that the level of bad cholesterol or Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood is the trigger for this blockage. As a result, the body will experience uncomfortable conditions and pain in the head will appear.

2) Pain in the nape

Apart from headaches, pain that appears in the nape is also a feature of high cholesterol. Obstructed blood flow in the neck muscles is the cause.

Launch Journal of Orthopaedic Science, the condition of neck pain is generally experienced by women with a rate of 60 percent more compared to men by 40 percent. This is also caused by high LDL levels which are supported by various factors, such as excess Body Mass Index (BMI), age, and others.

3) Tingling

Tingling or numbness can be an indication of high cholesterol which is commonly experienced by many people. Usually, these marks occur on the hands.

Launching Klikdokter, several studies have found that these symptoms are also closely related to peripheral nerve disorders that arise due to excess cholesterol in the blood.

4) Xanthelasma

Apart from the internal condition of the body, the characteristics of high cholesterol can also be recognized from physical characteristics. One of them is Xanthelasma or the appearance of cholesterol that accumulates under the skin tissue.

Usually, sufferers of this condition will experience a small, light yellow lump at the tip of the eyelid. In addition, Xanthelasma can also occur in body folds, such as elbows, heels and knees.

5) Disorders of vital organs

High cholesterol can directly attack the body’s organs, including vital organs such as the heart. High cholesterol levels can cause blockage of blood vessels in the heart. As a result, impaired blood flow to the heart is disrupted and causes complaints of chest pain.

High cholesterol levels in the blood can also trigger fatty liver. This condition occurs when the liver is filled with fat and results in discomfort in the stomach, such as bloating and nausea.

Those are signs that might occur when cholesterol levels are no longer under control. Don’t hesitate to consult a doctor immediately if you experience it!

One of the causes of conditions like the one above is an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, you can start making lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, exercising regularly, maintaining an ideal body weight, and adopting a healthy diet.

Nutrive Benecol as the right way to reduce high cholesterol

In adopting a healthy diet, you can consume intake that contains PSE or plant stanol esterthe only one in Indonesia found in Nutrive Benecol.

Nutrive Benecol can be a delicious and practical way to lower high cholesterol!

This drink has been clinically tested to reduce cholesterol by 7 to 10 percent in 2-3 weeks. Made from natural ingredients, this product is also suitable for those of you who have normal cholesterol levels but want to take precautions without causing side effects.

Nutrive Benecol is here not only in the form of smoothies with delicious fruit flavors, such as blackcurrant, lychee, strawberry and orange, but now Nutrive Benecol Yogurt is also available, which is #Not Usual Yogurt. This Nutrive Benecol Yogurt can be an alternative to #YogurtLoweringCholesterol which doesn’t contain sugar and can be stored at room temperature.

Come on, it’s time to live a healthy lifestyle and consume Nutrive Benecol as how to lower high cholesterol the delicious one!

Author: M Fitrah Habibullah | Editor: Anniza Kamala

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