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5 Japanese Natural Remedies to Relieve Omicron Symptoms


The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is claimed to trigger milder symptoms than other variants. It is even said to be similar to the common cold, such as coughs, colds, and sore throats.

This was also confirmed by the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI) which stated that the Omicron variant was similar to the flu.

“The symptoms are similar (to the common cold) coughing, runny nose, stuffy nose and then runny or runny nose, and also feeling sluggish, weak, and sometimes having a fever, this is similar to the common cold,” said the Chair of the Pokja Infection for the PDPI Central Executive Dr Erlina Burhan in virtual press conference entitled ‘Latest Developments of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 case’, Monday (24/1/2022).

Talking about the symptoms of Omicron in the form of coughs to colds, here are a number of Japanese-style natural remedies to relieve them, quoted from All About Japan, Sunday (6/3/2022).

1. Shoga-yu (ginger and honey)

Guide honey and ginger is useful to increase endurance and relieve sore throat.

Quoted from the official Penn Medicine page, honey is known as a sore throat remedy because it has natural antibacterial properties that can heal wounds in the throat. In fact, it can relieve pain due to inflammation in the throat.

Likewise with ginger which is claimed to have anti-inflammatory properties that are useful for relaxing the membranes in the respiratory tract which can reduce coughing.

2. Green tea

COVID-19 patients, including Omicron, can consume warm drinks such as green tea. The reason, this tea contains antioxidants that can increase metabolism in the body.

Japanese researchers Hiroshi Yamada, MD, Ph.D found two main substances in green tea that can keep the body from the threat of colds namely catechins and theanine. Both are antioxidants that are very useful for fighting disease.

3. Hachimitsu daikon (honey and white radish)

Another honey drink alternative is honey with white radish. For information, white radish contains vitamin C and enzymes that can dissolve mucus or mucus in the throat.

The trick, cut the white radish into small pieces like dice, then add it to the honey solution. Let stand for a few hours to absorb, then drink.

4. Onions

Apart from being used as a cooking ingredient, onion also relieves the symptoms of COVID-19 Omicron.

The anti -inflammatory content, vitamin C, and flavonoids in it are useful for relieving a stuffy nose.

Can be consumed with warm water added a little honey and ginger.

5. Jamur Shiitake

In addition to its chewy taste, shiitake mushrooms are traditionally used to boost the immune system which of course can help the healing process due to Omicron infections.

To consume it, you can mix shiitake mushrooms into soup or steamed.

Watch Videos “What are the Symptoms of the Omicron Variant Covid-19 Virus?
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