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5 Hours Passed, Tubagus Joddy is still being investigated for Vanessa Angel’s deadly accident


car driver Vanessa Angel, Tubagus Joddy, is still undergoing investigation. This is related to the accident that claimed the lives of Vanessa Angel and her husband, Aunt Ardiansyah.

Jombang Traffic Police Head AKP Rudi Purwanto when contacted by detikcom, Saturday (6/11/2021), stated that Joddy’s investigation was still ongoing.

Joddy’s examination started at 10.00 WIB. Joddy has been under examination for five hours.

Joddy was examined at Bhayangkara Hospital, where he received medical treatment.

“From 10 o’clock (checked),” said Rudi Purwanto.

“(Checked at Bhayangkara Hospital) Yes, that’s right, Bhayangkara Hospital,” continued Rudi Purwanto.

Until now, Joddy is still undergoing further examination.

“Yes, the investigation is still ongoing. I’m checking this again,” said Rudi Purwanto.

Regarding the status of a single accident case that befell Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah, Rudi Purwanto, confirmed that the investigation is now at the stage of the investigation.

“If the Joddy (case) has been investigated, yes,” said Rudi Purwanto.

Meanwhile, Joddy’s status as the driver of the car that was suspected to be traveling at high speed was still stated as a witness.

“(Joddy’s status) is a witness,” said Rudi Purwanto again.

Watch the video ‘The Family Continues to Guard the Accident Case of Vanessa Angel and Aunt’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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