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5 Facts about Stabbing by Men in ‘Police’ Vests Turns Out to be Extortion Mode


Stabbing action man in ‘police’ vest finally exposed. Suspect RZM (22) turned out to be just pretending to be a police officer to blackmail.

RZM accused the victim’s family of being involved in drugs for later it squeezes as if offering ‘peace’. But the victim refused until he stabbed the victim.

The following are the facts of the suspect RZM stabbing the victim:



1) Suspect pretends to be a policeman accuses the victim of being involved in drugs

The Bekasi Metro Police Chief, Kombes Hengki, said that in this action, RZM was looking for victims at random. The modus operandi is to pretend to arrest the victim’s husband as if he was involved in drugs.

“It is as if the police officers who came, (the perpetrators) are looking for the victim’s husband on the grounds that the victim’s husband is involved in illicit drug trafficking under the pretext of making peace,” said Hengki at the Bekasi City Metro Police, Monday (4/7/2022).

The perpetrator, continued Hengki, had closed the door of the victim’s house. Siti’s daughter, Melinda, then asked for help by shouting to make the perpetrators panic and then stabbed Siti.

“The victim on behalf of MER screamed for help, where the perpetrator panicked by injuring the victim on behalf of SR (with) a sharp weapon,” said Hengki.

2) The suspect tries to blackmail the victim because he wants to pay a debt to his girlfriend

RZM seemed to be a police officer and offered ‘peace’ to the victim’s family by accusing him of being involved in drugs. RZM admits to doing this reckless act to pay his debt to his girlfriend of IDR 500 thousand.

“The suspect (as if) wants to ask for peace with the victim’s family, on the grounds that her husband is involved in drugs. To pay the debt in question to his girlfriend, which has not been paid for a year,” said Bekasi Metro Police Chief Kombes Hengki during a press release, Monday ( 4/7/2022).

Read on next page: buy ‘police’ vests online

Also watch the video: The seconds of a Chinese citizen in West Jakarta being stabbed by his colleague because of Asmara

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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