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5 brilliant content marketing success stories from top brands.

Content marketing will generate a whopping 300 billion euros by 2022. Marketers are coming up with new and innovative content marketing techniques every day. While 88% of marketers have acknowledged that they rely on content marketing, one thing is for sure: Not everyone has successfully done so. Lots of brands are still struggling with their content marketing. The question here is: What are the best content marketers doing that the rest are not? Are they picking up their same old ‘most viewed’ ones or experimenting with new ways to market content? If you’ve been sitting there wondering how to carve your niche in the digital world, I’ve listed the success stories of a few brands that have been successful using innovative content marketing below.

Quick Videos

A year ago, our Facebook feeds were inundated with videos that prompted us all to don the chef’s hat and head to our kitchens. The quick videos still floating around the internet show various succulent recipes, the recipes we would generally love to cook to overcome cravings. These tasty videos have succeeded in appeasing the appetite for content of Facebook users to a great extent.

The secret behind success

The videos didn’t take us shopping, the ingredients could be easily found in each person’s kitchen. Even a person with the worst cooking skills could easily cook food with the help of these videos. Facebook’s video autoplay feature has done wonders for this innovative marketing strategy. Food is everyone’s weakness, so they could easily engage everyone with their content.

Get Response: go to influencers

Get Response used the awesome marketing strategy of getting influencers to share their valuable work experiences with them. Not just written quotes, they even got accompanying YouTube videos featuring various influencers offering positive reviews for them. Incorporating this strategy worked surprisingly well for them and they quickly became the largest email service providers in the world.

The secret behind success

Get Response had high profile clients who had a large following. They took testimonials from people related to content marketing. These influencers were well-known bloggers or content market experts who praised Get Response for delivering better traffic. The provider knew that the majority of people following these influencers would also fall into the same category, which is content marketing. Therefore, getting these influencers to promote their business meant more customers!

Rolex: eternal sophistication

Having a very strong image in the market, Rolex has played it safe with minimalist content and high definition images. The sheer sophistication that these timeless classics wear couldn’t be compromised, but they needed some marketing technique. It was not easy for Rolex to come up with a totally innovative and fresh approach, so they decided to go for their own technique of eternal sophistication. Their content was similar to their product, brilliantly classic.

The secret behind success

Rolex knew that the timeless pieces it creates are enough to attract the public. She did not describe her product rather just gave an extremely detailed, high definition photograph of it.

Go Pro: Stunning Visuals That Captivate Hearts

Go Pro has taken advantage of the growing inclination of the masses for video content. Instead of going the traditional route of written content, Go Pro used real-life videos to get more audiences. She included her clients in her marketing strategy, compiling and editing the videos uploaded by clients and then uploading them under the title “People are awesome”.

The secret of success

Go Pro has gotten its customers to upload videos captured by the company’s products. Being a producer of camera products, Go Pro was aware that people didn’t buy video cameras just because they wanted to capture their moments, but also because they wanted to share their experiences with the world. Go Pro has made its users download more and more videos, giving them a better platform. In return, they got better reach and attracted more customers to buy their products.

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