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5 Benefits and Dangers of Pineapple for Health

RIAUONLINE, PEKANBARU-Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is very easy to find in Indonesia, besides its fresh taste, pineapple is rich in nutrients that are good for health.

But behind a number of benefits of pineapple, there are some ingredients that are harmful to health. Currently Riau Online will discuss about fruit, here are 5 benefits and dangers of pineapple for health, see the following review.

Benefits of pineapple

Strengthen bones

Pineapple can meet 73% of the amount of manganese, manganese is a mineral needed by the body to help the development and protection of strong and healthy bones.

Manganese can prevent bone disorders such as osteoporosis, manganese works by strengthening bones for adults. As for children, the manganese content in pineapples will be involved in the growth and development of children’s bones.

Maintain eye health

Pineapple is very good for eye health, because this fruit is good for fighting floaters. Floaters are dots that appear and float in the eye so that they interfere with vision.

These marks are microscopic fibers that form when the vitreous part of the eye loses its consistency and shrinks. Pineapple consumption can reduce the appearance of floaters, this can be trusted because of the presence of several enzymes in pineapple that can break down the extracellular substance of micro-fibers.

Increase body immunity

Pineapple contains many vitamins, minerals and enzymes that can increase the body’s immunity and suppress inflammation. Children with sinus infections can recover quickly when given bromelain supplements, which are commonly found in pineapples.

This bromelain content limits inflammation and is believed to help the body’s immune system.

Overcome digestive problems

Bromelain contained in pineapple has an important role in breaking down protein. Because protein is one of the nutrients that is difficult to digest, sometimes protein is one of the causes of stomach pain and other digestive problems.

Pineapple is the solution because it contains a small amount of fiber that takes care of the digestive tract and intestines. You can make pineapple juice as an alternative to stomach aches and other digestive problems.

High in antioxidants

The high antioxidants found in pineapples are good for health and help the body fight oxidative stress. This reaction occurs when free radicals are present in large quantities in the body.

Free radicals can link up with cancer cells and cause damage, which is why chronic inflammation, a weakened immune system and other dangerous diseases are possible.

With the antioxidant properties contained in pineapples are quite high due to the presence of flavonoids and phenolic acids as well as antioxidant components that are interconnected, making pineapples survive in severe body conditions and provide lasting effects.

Fruit, here are 5 benefits and dangers of pineapple for health, the next is the danger of pineapple

Dangers of pineapple

Increase the risk of miscarriage

Pineapple has a harmful effect on pregnant women and their contents if consumed in excess, because some enzymes in pineapple can increase uterine contractions in early pregnancy.

This is the cause of the increased risk of abortion and lead to miscarriage. Therefore, pregnant women are not recommended to consume pineapple.

Causes an allergic reaction

Some people experience side effects when consuming pineapple, especially for people who are allergic to pollen. The reaction can be characterized by a stabbing sensation in the throat, itchy tongue, swollen lips and so on. The enzymes that cause a person to experience allergies, these enzymes can be removed.

Increase blood sugar

Pineapple is indeed good for diabetics to eat, but there are side effects if consuming pineapple in excess. This can cause blood sugar to rise, although pineapple contains natural sugars such as sucrose and fructose, diabetics should only eat one to two pineapples per day should not be excessive.

Can react to drugs consumed

The content of bromelain contained in pineapple has many benefits, but bromelain also brings bad effects when taken with several drugs such as anticonvulsants and antibiotics. It is better if you consult a doctor first if you want to eat pineapple during the treatment period.

Damages enamel and stains teeth

Pineapple that is consumed regularly will make teeth and gums. But if consumed in excess it will damage the teeth because of the sugar content it has.

Pineapple’s acidic nature can also erode tooth enamel. Therefore, it is recommended to eat pineapple in moderation, especially for people with cavities and other dental problems.

So much information about fruit, here are 5 benefits and dangers of pineapple for health. Hopefully the information that Riau Online has provided is useful for readers.

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