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4 Foods for Patients with High Blood Sugar

KOMPAS.com – People with illness blood sugar high need to be careful in regulating the food that enters the body.

Setting a diet with the ideal portion and the right time for consumption can help keep blood sugar levels stable.

No exception for snacks or snacks. If not controlled, blood sugar levels can spike uncontrollably.

Also read: 10 Characteristics of High Blood Sugar to Watch Out for

Reporting from Insider, characteristics high blood sugar uncontrolled including confusion, loss of consciousness, to seizures.

To prevent complications of this health problem, pay attention to the types of foods for people with high blood sugar as follows:

1. Complex carbohydrates with the right portion

According to American Diabetes Association (ADA), calculating carbohydrate intake is very important for diabetics.

The amount of carbohydrates that enter the body and insulin determines the blood sugar levels of people with high blood sugar.

Normally, when people eat carbohydrates, the body quickly converts the carbohydrates into glucose.

The impact, blood sugar can rise. When the body’s cells have absorbed glucose, blood sugar levels gradually fall.

Not so with diabetics. Their body cells cannot absorb glucose efficiently, so the glucose remains in the bloodstream.

That way, when you get carbohydrate intake, the blood sugar of diabetics becomes high.

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To stabilize blood sugar levels, people with high blood sugar need to choose complex carbohydrates over simple types.

Complex carbohydrates have a lower glycemic index than the simple types. That way, blood sugar does not increase easily.

Examples of complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index include bananas, whole grains like brown rice or whole grains, and nuts.

Avoid simple carbohydrates such as white rice, bread, processed flour, biscuits, noodles, vermicelli, sweet foods and drinks.

In addition to choosing the right type, the portion of carbohydrate intake for people with high blood sugar is also recommended to be less than protein, fiber and fat.

Protein, fiber, and healthy fats when they enter the body do not immediately turn into glucose, so they don’t have an impact on blood sugar levels.

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2. Healthy high protein

To balance carbohydrates, make sure people with high blood sugar also consume healthy protein.

High protein foods do not make it easy for diabetics to increase their blood sugar after eating them.

To digest this type of food, diabetics do not need a lot of insulin.

That’s because the body uses protein to build and repair tissue, instead of converting it to glucose.

There are several healthy foods with high protein that are recommended for people with high blood sugar, including:

  • One handful of roasted or boiled nuts
  • Chicken breast (not fried)
  • Boiled eggs

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It is important to remember, the protein that enters the body of diabetics should not be excessive. Excess protein can be stored in the body as fat or can trigger blood sugar to spike.

Protein needs for people with high blood sugar are adjusted to age, weight, height, gender, and level of physical activity.

Consult with a doctor or nutritionist to determine the exact requirement of protein per day.

In general, people with diabetes are advised to meet 20-30 percent of their daily calorie intake from protein.

Also read: Symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

3. Foods high in fiber

High-fiber foods, including the type of food that is good for people with high blood sugar disease.

Diabetics are advised to eat at least 50 grams of fiber per day. This type of food is digested more slowly in the body.

This means that the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream can be slower and prevents blood sugar levels from spiking rapidly.

In addition, foods high in fiber help a person feel fuller for longer.

High-fiber foods also have a low glycemic index. That way, consumption of these foods does not make blood sugar levels rise quickly.

Several types of high-fiber foods, namely fresh vegetables and fruits. Alternatively, roasted or boiled green beans, edamame beans, or whole wheat bread.

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4. Foods that contain healthy fats

Foods for other high blood sugar sufferers are foods that contain healthy fats or unsaturated fats.

Some types of healthy fats include avocado, boiled eggs, sunflower seeds, olive oil, almonds, and plain yogurt.

Healthy fats can slow down digestion, so the increase in blood sugar levels after eating can be gradual or slow.

Like protein, the body cannot convert fat into glucose for energy. In addition, healthy fats can also help control the weight of diabetics.

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Because the slow digestive process can help a person feel fuller for longer.

For people with high blood sugar, the Joslin Diabetes Center suggests as much as 30-35 percent of total daily calorie intake comes from healthy fats.

Make sure diabetics add foods that are good for people with high blood sugar on top of their daily menu.

Also obey the discipline of taking medication according to doctor’s instructions and avoid all kinds of restrictions. That way, blood sugar levels can remain under control.

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