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3 Disciplined Ways to Manage Blood Sugar So that Diabetes Doesn’t Come to Complications

JawaPos.com – Diabetic patients must control and manage their blood sugar with discipline and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Control of the type of food and the schedule must also be regular.

“In the last two years, apart from the increasing prevalence of diabetes, the pandemic has also become a special challenge for people with diabetes (diabetes). This is due to the increasing difficulty of monitoring blood sugar due to various social restrictions,” said Director of Special Needs and Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition KALBE Nutritionals, Tunghadi Indra in his official statement Monday (15/11).

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of PERKENI, Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD explained that death due to diabetes is the number 3 cause of death in the world. So diabetes requires attention from all elements of society.

“Diabetes is not a light disease, but a deadly disease or a catastrophic disease,” said Ketut.

In line with Ketut, Chairman of PB PERSADIA Dr. dr. Sony Wibisono, Sp.PD-KEMD, FINASIM also reminded diabetic patients to be disciplined and maintain their health condition.

“People with diabetes deserve support, not only from themselves, but also from educators, families, doctors, and other elements,” said Sony.

What are some easy ways to make diabetes patients more disciplined?

1. Diet 3J

According to Sony, the importance of proper diabetes management to prevent complications. The 3J diet, namely the number of calories consumed each day, eating schedule, and the type of food consumed need to be continuously considered by people with diabetes.

2. Sports

Not only that, people with diabetes should also exercise 30 minutes a day.

3. Drug Therapy

Drug therapy and injections, as well as getting adequate counseling. The pandemic conditions with various activity restrictions have hampered collective diabetes management activities which are usually centered in hospitals. In addition, the condition of diabetes at home makes it more difficult for them to control blood sugar and maintain a diet. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels can cause the body’s immunity to become weak and susceptible to viruses. Therefore, it is very important to prevent the risk of Covid complications in diabetes and reduce the mortality rate.

“Moreover, we are currently still in a pandemic. Covid-19 itself is a disease that more often affects diabetic patients, so they are required and prioritized to get a vaccine because it can prevent infection due to exposure to Covid-19 and prevent the disease from getting worse,” said Ketut.

Editor: Banu Adikara

Reporter: Marieska Harya Virdhani

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