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3 alleged hit men of the CDN die

State police were attacked by alleged gunmen from the Northeast Cartel. Despite the intensity of the shooting, there was silence from local and federal authorities for more than 5 hours.

An armed attack against state police in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, left a balance of three suspected criminals killed and a civilian seriously injured, according to informative parts of the Secretary of State Public Security.

Clashes started around five o’clock on Wednesday afternoon, but it was up to five and a half hours after the governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, issued a message in which he referred to the acts of violence, but without presenting a balance of people arrested or civilians injured during the fray.

Through Twitter, Cabeza de Vaca congratulated the state police “for dealing with criminals and warned that it will not give truce nor lower its guard before the onslaught of the so-called Northeast Cartel, a split of Los Zetas headed by Juan Gerardo Treviño, aka “El Huevo”, nephew of Miguel Ángel Treviño González, “El Z-40”.

Official silence in Mexico, alert in the United States

Despite the five hours of armed clashes in Nuevo Laredo, the federal government also issued no statement about what happened in that border city. So much the Secretary of Public Security and Citizen Protection, Alfonso Durazo, as the head of the National Guard, Luis Rodríguez Bucio, kept silent and they did not launch alerts to protect the civilian population.

The only authorities that did react to the intensity of the confrontation between state police against hitmen were the Americans. The United States Consulate in Nuevo Laredo issued an alert so that its citizens and diplomats sought refuge while the shootings occurred.

Through their social media accounts, consular authorities also they asked their diplomats and family to monitor local media To be aware of the situation. The alert was issued half an hour before the governor of Tamaulipas referred to the attacks of organized crime against state police.

In addition, the Webb County Sheriff’s Office issued its own warning to prevent US citizens from crossing the border with Mexico. From 6:38 in the afternoon, Sheriff Martin Cuellar warned of “intensive shootings” between members of a cartel and the Tamaulipas state police.

“Attention: please do not cross to Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas at this time. We have information that there have been intensive shootings between cartel members and the Tamaulipas state police. These shootings have been going on for hours. Specifically, They have taken place near and around César López de Lara Avenue, Paseo Colón, Venezuela and Guatemala streets and around Villarreal Hotel. Avoid these areas and do not cross into Nuevo Laredo, ”said the police chief’s alert.

In combat, he added the note, “high-caliber machine guns and explosives are being used. They are high-rise vehicles and disturb the peace. ”

Tamaulipas state police report attack by the Northeast Cartel

Twitter accounts linked to the Tamaulipas State Police and anonymous reporting they were the most active in reporting the violence before the silence of the local and federal authorities.

From the Bus Station, foreign truck drivers reported at seven o’clock at night that the runs to go to other cities were suspended due to clashes.

At 5:59 p.m., the account @ Tamaulipasrtc1 published a photograph of people who had to take shelter inside a mall not to be victims of crossfire.

Shortly after nine o’clock at night, that same account presents a video recorded from Laredo, Texas, in which the detonations of firearms are clearly heard that occur on the Mexican side.

The unofficial version and the claim to the National Guard

The Twitter account @ FuriaNegra7 always shares images of police operations in Tamaulipas. The photographs and videos it discloses They can only be obtained by members of the State Police, in addition to being assumed as a head or command of the corporation, but without revealing his true identity.

Regarding the violence that occurred in Nuevo Laredo, the bill was presented at 7:49 p.m. a video recorded by state police who are under attack from the hitmen of the North East Ca Notel.

In the recording, an agent affirms that criminals use high-power weapons and concludes by launching a challenge against the alleged criminals: “Now, let’s go to the topón, solid”exclaims.

In a series of messages, the account associated with the state police indicates that the aggressions against that corporation began around five in the afternoon and that the alleged hitmen presented clothing similar to that used by the elements of the Secretariat of the Navy.

After detailing how the clashes spread to several cities in Nuevo Laredo, finally @ FuriaNegra7 reports that the balance of the confrontation is of three alleged murderers killed, one seriously injured civilian and at least two gunshot agents.

In addition, the account shows photographs of the alleged criminals killed and of the vehicles they used for the fray.

In another video, the anonymous report account La Voz del Pueblo Oficial (@ LPueblo2) shows that the alleged aggressors they were traveling in white vans and were allegedly equipped with Barret .50 mm caliber rifles, capable of piercing armor and bulletproof vests.

In the accounts @ FuriaNegra7 and @ LPueblo2 Complaints appear about the lack of support from the National Guard to the state police officers who were attacked, although they recognize the participation of the military in their aid.

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