The number 1 in world tennis, Serbian Novak Djokovic, “probably will not participate” in the next Australian Open, the first Grand Slam of the season, due to the mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 established by the organization. The player’s father, Srdjan Djokovic, told a Serbian television station that his son “would like to go” to the … Read more

guarantee to the continuity of the Osorio project

After the team managed to qualify for the BetPlay League finals, they spoke again about the coach’s process in Cali America. In recent weeks, one of the topics that had been talked about the most around América de Cali was the continuity of the process of Juan Carlos Osorio, because the team had issued an … Read more

Thousands of people protest air pollution in Serbia

Thousands of people have protested against air pollution in the Serbian capital, Belgrade. According to the protesters, this is caused, among other things, by the coal-fired power stations, the lack of functioning air filters at mines and the use of old cars. The protesters carried placards reading “the air is dangerous” and “you choke us”. … Read more

Effectively Lowering Blood Sugar Levels, Here’s The Right Way To Eat Moringa Leaves For Diabetics

TRIBUNJABAR.ID, JAKARTA – Moringa, an herbal plant that is often associated with magical things. Can lower blood sugar, this is the consumption of Moringa for diabetics. Diabetics must check their levels blood sugar with routine. This is important to prevent complications of diabetes. Some types of food and drinks can help lower levels blood sugar. … Read more

Rosario Alises, doctor and writer: “Rural feminism does not have the same power of influence as urban feminism” – Lanza Digital

Rosario Alises with her book ‘Pioneers of the 20th century in a place in La Mancha’ / Lanza Share on Facebook Share on twitter Share in mail Share on whatsapp – A member of ‘Feministas de Pueblo’, this activist works to guarantee the rights of women in small rural areas, often invisible and with serious … Read more