A recipe to stop the COVID-19 pandemic

A team of researchers from the University of Montreal thinks they have found the recipe to end the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec. She discovered it by analyzing the mathematical models of 32 studies examining the coronavirus crisis. “If we managed to do, in less than three days, a good process of testing, contact tracing and … Read more

Seconds Teenage Girl Killed by Her Boyfriend After Begituan, Corpse Put in Sack

Police evacuate the bodies of murder victims in Bandung. Photo: Pojokjabar jpnn.com, BANDUNG – Teenagers in Rancaekek, Bandung Regency, with the initials ABH have the heart to kill the life of their girlfriend who is still in high school. The reckless action was because the perpetrators were burning with jealous fire. The irony is that … Read more

Coronavirus in Medellín: megaparty with models and singers in quarantine | Colombia today – Medellín – Colombia

A massive party with famous singers and models has generated outrage in Medellín for being a clear violation of quarantine, just at the moment when the Antioquia capital is going through its worst time due to the coronavirus crisis. The day of the event, Antioquia reported 57 deaths from covid-19 and 1,389 new cases of … Read more

These workers cannot get assistance Rp. 600,000 per month from the government

ILLUSTRATION. SOE Minister Erick Thohir. BETWEEN PHOTOS / Dhemas Reviyanto / WSJ. Reporter: Yusuf Imam Santoso | Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The government plans to provide assistance for workers with salaries below Rp 600,000 per month. This was confirmed by Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir. However, this assistance is only … Read more

Asymptomatic people have as much coronavirus in them as symptomatic people, study finds

By Le Figaro with AFP –According to a study, 29% of people infected with the coronavirus have never developed symptoms. Ethan Miller / AFP A detailed study of 303 people in South Korea shows that 29% of people infected with the coronavirus never developed symptoms, but carried as many viruses within them as symptomatic people. … Read more