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2019 high school ranking: discover our ranking in Seine-Saint-Denis

The ranking may well be dominated by a private establishment, it still leaves a good part to the public. If the Jewish Merkaz-Hatorah high school for boys in Gagny takes the lead in our annual ranking of the best high schools in Seine-Saint-Denis, Alfred-Nobel in Clichy-sous-Bois follows suit, followed a few strides away by Louise-Michel in Bobigny.

Note: in our national ranking, it is Alfred-Nobel who wins the prize because Merkaz-Hatorah has too small a workforce.

This year again, we therefore scrutinized several indicators communicated by the Ministry of National Education to calculate the added value of each establishment. Rather than focusing on the pass rates for the bac, we compared six data. Those of the access rates from the second to the bac, of success and of mention in the exam expected, with those of the rates finally obtained.

Thus, the Jewish high school presented in 2018 an access rate of the second to the bac of 89% against 65% expected. That is 24 points more. 100% of young people passed their exam (against 89% expected) and 64% even had a mention (against 40% expected).

Generally speaking, 47 establishments out of 61 have added value. But the most striking is played on another scale. Of the top 10 national public high schools, seven are located in Seine-Saint-Denis. A department where teachers continue to denounce the lack of resources put in place in Education, as a parliamentary report proved last year.

“This ranking shows that teachers are invested in their work, even if the means do not follow”, underlines Grégory Thuizat, departmental co-secretary of the Snes-FSU union. “This list proves the investment of our teaching teams, also considers Radouane M’Hamdi, departmental secretary of the SNPDEN school leaders union. But it must also be recognized that it is easier to increase an expected baccalaureate pass rate when it is low enough than when it is already very high. Today, we have the means to maintain the balance. However, we should aim for excellence for our students. You only have to look at the number of scholarship holders, a minority in the preparatory classes of the department, to see that there is still some way to go. “

The federation of parents of FCPE students, for its part, wonders about the differences between the planned success rates for the bac and the actual rates, which for example amount to 18 points at the Alfred-Nobel high school in Clichy. “With such a difference, one can wonder if they were correctly calculated at the start, judge Alixe Rivière, vice-president of FCPE 93 in charge of secondary education. Today, principals are asked to run their high school like a business. This rate looks like a turnover. We should rather focus on the access rates from the second to the bac, success and mentions in the exam among scholarship holders, CSP – and CSP + of each establishment. These figures exist. And would allow us to see if there is real equality of opportunity and if we help all students to reach their maximum potential. “

Epinay: Louise-Michel at the back of the pack

Epinay, March 19. The Louise-Michel high school comes last in our ranking. LP / Hélène Haus

“Did not exploit its full potential. “On a report card, this would undoubtedly be the criticism that a teacher would make at the Louise-Michel vocational school in Epinay-sur-Seine, which came last in our annual list of secondary schools in Seine-Saint-Denis. If last year, the expected success rate in the bac reached 82%, only 61% of students obtained their diploma. And among them, 13% won a mention against the 24% expected.

A result that does not seem to worry the young people of terminal that we met in front of the establishment. “There is rather a good teaching team, the school is almost brand new. We do not have to complain, they judge. On the other hand, there are security issues that plague the atmosphere. In September, just a few days after the start of the school year, a fight broke out in front of the building. Two students were injured and two others arrested and sentenced.

“These problems contribute to the dropping out of school of certain young people who do not dare to come any more”, underlines a professor, calling to take a step back on the results of our classification. “In high school, there are classes where everything goes very well and others where it is more complicated. There is also a lot of dropout. People who are registered, but who hardly ever came, others who did not wish to follow this orientation, but who could not go to the general course. »How many young people among the students who are present in class pass their exams? The National Education did not allow us to interview the head of the school.

“The results of the bac often vary greatly from one year to another in vocational high schools, the dynamics of class play a lot”, recalls Radouane M’Hamdi, departmental secretary of the union of heads of establishments SNPDEN. In 2017, 75% of Louise-Michel’s students had obtained their baccalaureate, or 9 points more than the expected rate.


> The ranking of high schools (general and techno)

> The ranking of professional high schools

> The map of high schools near you

> The ranking of high schools with 100% success in the Bac

> The ranking of high schools with 100% mention of the Bac

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