Home » today » News » 18-year-old with five buddies in a golf car hangs 15 meters above the precipice – Hanover

18-year-old with five buddies in a golf car hangs 15 meters above the precipice – Hanover

Wolfsburg – The police call this “an unstable vehicle condition”. A sober description for a highly explosive situation!

The police received an emergency call at around 5:30 a.m. on Sunday morning: Accident on a public parking deck belonging to the VW site. A golf dangles over the abyss!

A novice driver (18) from Gifhorn cruised across the parking area with his car fully occupied. Five other people were in the car.

Photo: police-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/wer-diese-bilder-kann-erahnen-wie-viel-glueck-die-insassen-des-autos-gehabt-haben-das- auto-haengt-15-m-201464702-71557062 / Bild / 1.bild.jpg “/>

Those who see these pictures can guess how lucky the occupants of the car were. The car hangs 15 meters above the abyssPhoto: police

On the upper deck on the 5th floor, the boy loses control of the car, tilts against the railing, and breaks almost halfway through it. It is 15 meters deep. The six young people can climb out of the swaying car. “All vehicle passengers escaped with terror and remained unharmed,” said a police spokesman.

The investigators suspect that the cause of the crash was too fast, alcohol was not involved.

An investigation is being initiated against the driver because of the danger to road traffic.

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