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12 Signs of People Infected with HIV, Fatigue to Fever


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks a person’s immune system. Without an immune system, the body will find it difficult to fight various infections, so people with HIV will be vulnerable to complications from other diseases.

Signs of HIV generally do not appear immediately and usually go through several stages. In the early stages, sufferers will generally experience symptoms similar to the common cold. This virus can only be detected further if the sufferer has experienced more severe symptoms.

If you don’t get treatment right away, people with HIV will get worse and can get the most dangerous stage of HIV, namely AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

Until now the HIV virus can not be treated. However, if the sufferer gets proper medical care, HIV can be well controlled. Before entering the signs of people infected with HIV, it helps us to first recognize the origin of this disease.

Where Does HIV Come From?

The HIV virus originates from chimpanzees in Central Africa. This version of the chimpanzee virus is called Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV).

The HIV virus is thought to have been transmitted by chimpanzees when humans hunted them for their flesh and blood.

According to studies, the HIV virus has been around since the late 1800s and slowly spread throughout Africa and then to the world.

Phase HIV

1. Phase One: Acute HIV Infection

The first phase generally appears several weeks after HIV infection occurs. People with HIV in the early stages will experience flu-like symptoms that last for 1-2 weeks or even more. However, in some cases there are also no symptoms at all.

Phase Kedua: Phase Laten HIV

In the second phase, the HIV virus secretly reproduces and attacks white blood cells that fight infection in the body. White blood cells will continue to decrease drastically and cause other diseases.

3. Third Phase: AIDS

The last phase is the worst. The HIV virus that had developed earlier turned into AIDS. The body almost loses its ability to fight disease due to the white blood cell count that is far below the normal average.

Without treatment, people with AIDS can generally live about three years.

HIV transmission

The risk of getting HIV generally increases when you change partners frequently without using protection. In addition, people who consume illegal drugs using syringes are also at risk of getting HIV.

Quoted from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HIV cannot be transmitted through water, insect bites, sharing food, drinking, and using toilets.

Signs of People Infected with HIV

After recognizing the origin of this deadly HIV virus, here are the signs that people may be HIV positive:

1. Fever

One sign of a person infected with HIV is a low-grade fever of up to 39 degrees C (102 degrees F). This fever can also be accompanied by other mild symptoms, such as fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and sore throat.

2. Fatigue

The next sign of an HIV-infected person is fatigue. The inflammatory response produced by the immune system can cause fatigue and lethargy. That’s why fatigue is an early or advanced sign of HIV.

3. Aches, muscle and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes

The next signs of HIV are still fairly common, namely muscle and joint pain, aches, and swollen lymph nodes. For information, lymph nodes are part of the immune system and tend to become inflamed when there is an infection.

4. Sore throat

According to dr. Horberg, a sign people infected with HIV can experience a sore throat and head within weeks. If it is like this, it is better to immediately go to the doctor to do an HIV test.

5. Skin rash

A skin rash can be a sign that a person is infected with HIV. Generally, the rash will appear in several parts or all over the body.

6. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

About 30 to 60 percent of people infected with HIV will experience symptoms of nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

7. Weight loss

People who have lost weight drastically, it is a sign that the immune system is in trouble and is declining.

8. Dry cough

A dry cough can be a sign that a person is infected with HIV. This cough can last for a year and keep getting worse.

9. Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by an opportunistic infection. People infected with HIV will experience coughing up phlegm, fever, and shortness of breath from the symptoms of pneumonia.

10. Night sweats

People who experience night sweats without doing any physical activity can be a positive sign of HIV.

11. Changes in nails

The next sign of a person infected with HIV is changes in the nails, such as splitting, thickening, or curved nails. In addition, changes can occur with nail color such as blackening, brown, or yellowing.

12. Other signs of the HIV virus

  • Difficult to concentrate
  • Oral and genital herpes
  • Often tingling
  • Menstrual irregularity

Here are 12 signs that people are infected with HIV. If you have experienced some of the signs above, you should immediately see a doctor for further treatment.

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