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12 Celestial Bodies That Have Hit Earth and Impacted Depok City

Radardepok.com-During Earth’s history, there have been many celestial bodies that have crashed into our planet. Some of them have produced major changes in Earth’s ecosystems and even influenced the course of the evolution of life.

The city of Depok, a beautiful city in West Java, has also witnessed several celestial collisions that rocked its territory. The following are 12 celestial bodies that have hit Earth and had a big impact on Depok City:

1. Komet Shoemaker-Levy 9
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter in 1994, but this event also provided a great deal of important information about the impact of the celestial body on the planet.

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The comet had previously broken up into 21 fragments that crashed into Jupiter within 20 light years of Earth. Even though the city of Depok was not directly affected, this research still provides important insights for its people.

2. Comet Halley
Halley’s Comet is one of the most famous comets in the world because it can be seen from Earth every 76 years. This comet crashed into Earth about 30,000 years ago, and scientists believe that this event triggered the formation of many craters and holes in Earth.

Even though this collision occurred before Depok City was founded, related research can provide an understanding of the potential threats that this city may experience in the future.

3. Comet Tunguska
Comet Tunguska hit Siberia in 1908 and caused a huge explosion equivalent to 1,000 times the explosion of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. This comet was about 50-100 meters in size and caused great damage to the forests and fauna of the area. Even though the city of Depok was not directly affected, this incident reminds us of the importance of being vigilant against similar threats.

4. Komet Hyakutake
Comet Hyakutake hit Earth in 1996 and became one of the k

the most visible omelets of the 20th century. The comet is visible to the naked eye around the world and provides astronomers with important data about the celestial body’s origins. Even though the city of Depok may not be directly involved in this research, insights about this comet are still useful for understanding the complexity of the universe around the city.

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5. Asteroid Vesta
The asteroid Vesta crashed into Earth about 1 billion years ago and is thought to have made a major contribution to the formation of Earth’s atmosphere. This asteroid is about 530 kilometers in size and is one of the largest asteroids in the solar system. Even though the city of Depok was not present at the time of the collision, this research provides an understanding of the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere which may have affected the air quality around this city.

6. Asteroid Chicxulub
The Chicxulub asteroid hit Earth about 66 million years ago and triggered the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. This accident also made a major contribution to the development of life on Earth, creating the oceans and the environment that made life possible for the evolution of life. The city of Depok may not have existed at that time, but this research is still a fascinating way to understand the development of complex life on this planet.

7. Asteroid 2011 AG5
Asteroid 2011 AG5 was previously considered a serious threat due to its high probability of hitting Earth in the 2040s. However, after further analysis, this asteroid was declared safe and would not crash into our planet. Although the City of Depok is not directly exposed to this threat, this conclusion provides peace of mind for the city’s residents and allows them to focus on more pressing environmental conservation efforts.

In our investigation of celestial bodies that have hit Earth, we can see how large and complex the universe we live in is. The city of Depok, as part of the Earth, also has an interesting history in this regard.

2023-06-28 08:30:00
#Astrological #Disaster #Terrible #Story #Collision #Space #Objects #Depok #Residents

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