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11.1% increase in technical provisions – Infomediaire

The Moroccan Interprofessional Retirement Fund (CIMR) recorded an 11.1% increase in its technical provisions to 62 billion dirhams (MMDH), according to the financial results for the 2019 financial year.

The year 2019 recorded a balance of technical provisions (pension reserve plus mathematical provision relating to capitalization and accrued and unpaid benefits) of 62,252 million dirhams (MDH), thus marking an increase of 11.1% compared to the previous year, said the Caisse in a press release.

The CIMR recorded an operating surplus of 6,222 MDH at the end of 2019, compared to 5,720 MDH in the same period of the previous year, recording an increase of 8.8%, the same source notes.

The year 2019 registered 531 new members for the benefit of 6,582 affiliates, it is noted, noting that in addition, the number of affiliates to the CIMR increased by 4.8%, reaching an overall workforce of 699,606, divided between contributing assets, 375,469 and beneficiaries, 324,137.

The number of contributory assets increased by 4.3% compared to 2018, far exceeding the assumption used to draw up the annual actuarial balance sheet, which fixes the annual change in the number of long-term assets at 1 .5% to maintain the balance of the diet.

Last year, 180,621 people benefited from a service from the CIMR, the press release added.

Income from property and capital gains, net of charges, losses and allocations and reversals of provisions for depreciation of securities, amounted to 3.348 MDH against 3.044 MDH in 2018, recording an increase of 10%. As of December 31, 2019, the CIMR portfolio is estimated at MDH 70,738 at market value.

The projection of the contingency fund carried out within the framework of the actuarial balance sheet meets the two criteria of sustainability set by the steering charter. The fund is thus constantly positive over the projection period and the projection curve is ascending at the end of the period, the press release said, indicating that the results of the actuarial balance sheet have been certified by the independent actuarial firm Mazars Actuariat.

According to the same source, the CIMR confirmed its position as an agile and innovative economic and social player in 2019.

A pioneer in digital transformation, the CIMR continues its momentum in this area through the deployment of its mobile application “Cimrdialcom” on behalf of its beneficiaries on both IOS and Android platforms integrating an innovative facial recognition solution allowing the dematerialization of the proof of life of its retirees.

And to enrich that the year 2019 was also marked by the launch of the project to overhaul the business information system in its scoping phase. The main objectives of this overhaul are to align the CIMR information system with its strategic directions, to respond optimally to the needs of internal and external users and to introduce new technological solutions.

In the same context, the CIMR has started to implement the CRM project, the choice of solution has been established and specific developments are underway. The CIMR aims through this project, the improvement of the experience of its customers and prospects, the provision of a 360 ° vision and the automation of marketing and commercial processes, said the press release.

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