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10 Horror Stories of Wagner’s Mercenaries on the Ukrainian Battlefields

Wagner’s mercenaries have many horror stories about the fighting in Ukraine. Photo/Reuters

MOSCOW – Mercenary story Wagner always gives an interesting touch because it involves a deadly battle to the ideological value behind the struggle.

One of Wagner’s mercenaries who was willing to speak to Euronews is Sasha. He joined Wagner. He fought in Bakhmut. He is also always grateful to be safe.

Here are 10 horror stories of Wagner’s mercenaries on the Ukrainian battlefields.

1. Must be Ready to Suicide


“I always carry three grenades, two for the enemy and one in case I have to kill myself,” a Wagner mercenary told me Euronews. “I refuse to be a prisoner of war”.

The story revealed that a former Wagner mercenary has spoken exclusively to Euronews to share his harrowing story.

Sasha, not her real name, fought a months-long battle for Bakhmut.

Due to his lack of discipline and desire for battle, he said Wagner acted as second in line behind the regular Russian troops on the front, whom Sasha described as “conscripts who were only 21 years old”, to ensure they would not fall back.

“They are [wajib militer Rusia] unmotivated, they are weak, they are taken from the streets and told: go to war,” he said. “If their commander falls, they tend to surrender quickly.”

2023-07-25 05:15:15
#Wagner #Mercenary #Horror #Stories #Bakhmut #Rebellion

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