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10 Home Exercises That Lose Weight Fast

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Restricted access to gyms following the outbreak Covid-19 not an obstacle to exercise. However, some exercise can be done at home and can help you lose weight.

Besides being useful for maintaining immunity, exercising at home is simpler. Home exercise generally does not require a lot of tools and space.

Benefits of Exercise at Home

Launch WeightWorldBesides maintaining a daily diet, regular exercise is also very important to maintain health and increase immunity.

Especially for those of you who are running a weight loss program, exercise plays a major role in making the weight loss process more fruitful.

Now, in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic like now, it does not mean that you don’t limit yourself from exercising at all.

Although it is not free to exercise at the fitness or sport center, there is nothing wrong with switching to exercise at home which is just as effective in losing weight.

Types of Home Exercises That Lose Weight Fast

There are various kinds of sports at home that you can make choices. Here are some types of exercise at home that can help you lose weight fast:

1. Crunch

One of the exercises at home that quickly lose weight is crunch. This exercise is great for toning your upper abdominal muscles, reducing belly fat, and making your stomach look better.

This exercise is included in one of the most popular abdominal exercises because it has been proven to be effective in eliminating belly fat which is often complained by obese sufferers.

Way to do Crunch:

  • Lie on your back
  • Bend your knees
  • Place your hands behind your head
  • Lift your shoulders off the floor and bend your legs towards your ribs
  • Do a 20 count

2. Yoga

Illustration: Yoga is an option for exercise at home that can help you lose weight (Photo: jeviniya / Pixabay)-

Not only good for breathing, yoga is included in a home exercise that can quickly lose weight. Routine doing yoga movements in the morning is effective for losing weight.

Not only that, yoga also has many other benefits for the body including accelerating the healing process, strengthening internal organs, and good for tightening the skin.

Yoga is best done in the morning, especially at sunrise. Of the approximately 250 yoga poses that are good for health, there are several yoga movements that are specifically recommended to support weight loss programs, such as the Adho Mukha Svanasana or the downward-facing dog movement. This movement offers maximum stretch throughout the body.

Apart from that, you can also try Half Boat Pose (Ardha Navasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), dan Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana).

3. Piyo Flip

Sports low-impact as Piyo Flip including part of the exercise at home to lose weight fast. Fitness experts believe in movement Piyo Flip very good in making the body slimmer and lighter. This is because of movement Piyo Flip involving all parts of the body, starting from the buttocks, legs, arms, chest, and shoulders.

How to do Piyo Flip:

  • Get into a push-up body position
  • Bend your right knee until it forms a 90 degree angle
  • Lift your right hand off the mat
  • Slowly rotate your body so that your face is facing upwards
  • Repeat for 10 times
  • Do the same on the left side

4. Plank

Shot of a group of young people doing planks together during their workout in a gymIllustration: Plank is one of the choices of exercise at home to lose weight (Photo: Istockphoto / PeopleImages)-

Plank is a fast home exercise to lose weight. Plank includes some of the simplest exercises you can do in your quest to lose weight while at home.

Plank movements are great for training muscles and burning fat in the body, so this exercise is great for losing weight and strengthening the spine.

Way to do plank:

  • Prepare the mat
  • Get into a push-up position
  • Bend your arms until they form a 90 degree angle until your elbows touch the mat
  • Hold this position for 2 minutes
  • Repeat the same movement for 10 times or according to ability

5. Lunges

Even though it looks simple, lunges include in sports at home that quickly lose weight. Lunges very good for training muscles and burning fat.

This exercise is highly recommended especially for those of you who are looking for low-impact exercise to lose weight at home.

This movement is very good for working the core muscles, thighs and legs. This exercise is also great to do anywhere like when watching television and watching children play at home.

Way to do lunges:

  • Stand up straight
  • Place both hands on the hips
  • Lowering your hips, move your legs forward until your knees form a 90 degree angle
  • Return to the original position
  • Perform alternately with each count of 10

6. Squats

Squats are a great choice as a fast home exercise to lose weight. This exercise is perfect for those of you who want to form ideal thighs and buttocks.

Squat movements can help train the core muscles of the body including the lower abdominal muscles, which are one of the parts of the body that store the most fat.

How to do squats:

  • Stand up straight
  • Open both legs until they are aligned with the shoulders
  • Lower your hips into a sitting position
  • Return to standing position
  • Perform up to a 20 count

7. Side Leg Raise

One of these home exercises is very easy and simple to do because it doesn’t require a lot of equipment. This exercise is suitable for burning calories and fat in your body.

How to do the side leg raise:

  • Position your body to sleep on your side with one hand and foot support
  • Lift the legs that are not focused upwards to create a 45 degree angle
  • Perform up to a count of 10

8. Skipping or Jumping Rope

In order to burn calories more leverage you can do jumping rope or skipping. This exercise is one of the easiest home exercises you can practice to get your ideal body.

Jump rope is good for tightening muscles and can burn up to 10 calories per minute.

For starters, you can start this movement for at least 10 minutes per day. Once you get used to it, you can increase the duration according to your ability while learning to try different jumping styles, such as jumping while running or jumping on one leg alternately. If done regularly, you will get extraordinary body changes.

9. Stretching

sports illustrationIllustration: streching can be a simple choice of exercise at home to lose weight (Photo: Istockphoto / Drazen Zigic)-

For those of you who are not familiar with a pattern of exercise with many movements, you can try stretching exercises or body stretches sterching. Movement streching is considered effective as a home exercise option that can help you lose weight quickly. Apart from that, movement streching it also helps the body relax.

This exercise can be done anywhere and anytime. Experts note stretching exercises for 10 minutes per day at home can burn about 50 calories.

Another benefit of stretching is that it improves flexibility, blood circulation and helps release muscle tension.

10. Cardio

Other exercises that you can incorporate into your exercise routine at home are cardio. This sport can be an option for sports at home that can help you lose weight quickly.

One of cardio is aerobic because it is good for training the muscles of the body. Currently, you can freely choose aerobic exercise models that you can find at Youtube.

Type of exercise cardio Other things you can do at home include going up and down stairs and jogging. This exercise is good for reducing stress, improving blood circulation and strengthening the heart muscle.

Accompany Sports with Enough Eating and Rest

In addition to exercising diligently in the ways above, choose diet healthy and rich in nutrients is also important for weight loss to run more effectively. Learn good food intake and fit your diet program.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet must be accompanied by adequate rest periods. This is important for maintaining body fitness and the quality of the body’s metabolism.


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