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[정치][뉴있저] Corona 19 outbreak in Korea for one year, heard from the prime minister

■ Progress: Byeon Sang-wook anchor
■ Cast: Jeong Segyun / Prime Minister

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.


One year has passed since the first corona19 confirmed in Korea. However, the corona situation is still not easy. I would like to examine how our quarantine capabilities have been over the past year and how we will overcome them in the future.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, who is the head of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters, is here. Prime Minister, welcome.




Do you have to call him Prime Minister or General Manager? Because the title continued to follow for a year, he was inaugurated as the prime minister in January and the first patient outbreak was in January.


Six days later, the first patient came out.


Do you remember your feelings then?


At first, I was surprised. And before that, since it only occurred in China, I received a report of how the SARS and MERS cases were in the past, saying whether they came to Korea so quickly.

So I thought so rather than the plague passing that way. However, even though one year has passed, he is still fighting, so a guy named Corona 19 is a really strong friend.


How many times did the head of the quarantine countermeasure headquarters take the Corona 19 diagnostic test?


I have received it twice.




I got it once after visiting Daegu and at the end of last year.


You’ve been running for a year like that, but how about the moment you look back on the past year?


In a word, it was a year that really breathlessly fought against Corona 19. However, the people really did their best to do participatory quarantine, so they came up with a new word called K quarantine, and we were able to endure it even though it is difficult now.

So, I really thank the people and thank the medical staff.


Still, there is a clamor at the scene. The medical staff is so hard as the medical staff, it is really hard to hold on. Also, it is clear that our quarantine has succeeded in their own way because those who are engaged in the field of life are very difficult as they are. How about briefly explaining what limitations existed, and what points you think you did really well?


From the beginning, quarantine is the economy. So we made it a priority to prevent quarantine. However, we, Korea, are a small open economy country.

That’s why we are not a country that is highly dependent on the outside world and can blockade without being open. Some countries have been sealed off.

So, we were able to defend this much through such a truly transparent quarantine effort to open the door and tell the people everything as it is with the participation of the people.

As you thought so and just said, there are businesses that have suffered tremendous damage in the process by self-employed people, small business owners, and sectors. Those businessmen and small business owners never really dry their tears.


There were times when I had tears in my eyes for a while, so I think my emotions have increased again.


The difficulties of self-employed people, especially when they go to the National Assembly to answer questions with the lawmaker, but they can’t do business, but they have to pay the full rent, but they can’t close the door right away. Thinking of them, there was a situation where I was really upset without my knowledge.


Okay. The time has come for the vaccine to be introduced. Seeing it, it wasn’t easy. I have to prepare all the syringes in the facility to the person who will be injecting the injection. How is the preparation now?


Prepare by the end of January. There are trials and errors that are already being implemented in some developed countries. So, by taking their trial and error as a teacher on the other hand, we thoroughly prepare until the end of January with the goal of competently practicing vaccination without trial and error. After the beginning of February, any time the vaccine comes in, we can get it immediately. We are doing it thoroughly.


Okay. It is said that citizens have a lot of questions about the Prime Minister. We went out and met citizens once and heard what we would like to ask. Let’s see it together.

[오채영 / 서울 종로구 : 지금 해외에서는 여러 부작용 사례가 많이 나타나고 있는데 이런 부작용에 따른 불안함은 당연한 거잖아요. 그래서 총리님께서는 국민이 이런 불안함을 가지고 있는데 그런 불안함을 어떻게 안정시켜주고 백신에 대한 확신을 주실 수 있는지 궁금합니다.]

[김종순 / 서울 양천구 : 제 나이가 70인데 그런 사람 위주로만 할 게 아니라 젊은 사람들도 다각도로 접종해서 부작용이 어떻게 나타나고 있는지 선진외국에서 스웨덴이나 이런 곳에서도 부작용이 일어났듯이, 한국에서도 그런 일이 없어야 하잖아요. 그런 것을 철저히 총리께서, 아니면 방역 당국에서 조사해서 순차적으로 접종을 하는 게 좋지 않을까 생각합니다.]


Everyone clearly has the idea of ​​getting the vaccination, but I think you want to ask if it is really safe.


I take it for granted. Because the original vaccine is normally developed over a period of about 10 years. And clinical practice is also done over many years.

However, this time, Pfizer vaccine and AstraZeneca vaccine are all highly developed vaccines. Because it didn’t take a year. And the clinical trial was also very fast.

So, maybe there is a problem with safety. The vaccine must have two elements. It should actually work.

Next, there should be safety, but it has already been confirmed that it is effective, but until now it is safe, but there is no guarantee that it will be safe in the future. Because the time was too short.

Nevertheless, getting the vaccine is safer than not getting it. Because the effectiveness has already been proven. That’s why other countries are already getting the vaccine.

In particular, countries with severe COVID-19 outbreaks have already started vaccination very quickly. So we start a little late, but even in our case, getting the vaccine could be more corona-free than the wrong one. So it’s better to fit.

And if there is any problem, the government will take responsibility. Because if there is no one to be responsible for that, I would hesitate.

So, you can’t worry about it at all, but it is better to get the vaccine than not get the vaccine, because getting the vaccine can free us from the corona and get our daily life back.


As you said, it’s better to get a vaccine, and if you get all right, you’ll form a collective immunity. The President seems to be thinking of until the end of November. However, considering the number of citizens that have to be met in order to fit, I think I will have to hit 100,000, 200,000 or more per day. Is that possible?


First, in the first quarter, and in the second quarter, the numbers will be a bit smaller. However, vaccination will be intensively performed in the third quarter, so I hope that the vaccination will be completed by September, the end of the third quarter.

So, in order to achieve group immunity, 60% to 70% of the people must be vaccinated. So, up to 60-70% of vaccinations are done before September. It’s not just one vaccination, it’s twice.

There are drugs that I do once, but I do it twice. Finished up to the second. That’s not certain, but as far as it is known, the effect will appear within 60 days.

That’s why the November story comes out. By the end of September and by November, group immunity will appear.


The people also cooperate, and those who go to quarantine medical care will also have a harder time, and I expect that it will happen anyway. This time, we met people who were really struggling with the Corona 19 outbreak. Let’s see it together.

[조난주 / 경기의료원 파주병원 코로나 전담 병동 수간호사 : 코로나19 전담병원의 현장에 있는 간호사들의 피로도는 극에 달해 있고요. 그로 인해서 간호사들의 인력 확충이 굉장히 필요하다고 생각합니다. 생활치료센터 등의 민간 간호사들과의 임금 격차가 심해져서 상대적인 빈곤감, 피로감이 더 누적됐다고 생각합니다. 총리님께서는 간호사들의 인력 확충을 위해 어떤 방안을 가지고 계신지 궁금합니다.]

[박희건 / 빵집 운영 : 거리두기 2.5단계다 보니까 이게 오랫동안 유지되다 보니까 아무래도 이제 전체적으로 시장이 침체 돼 있는 것 같고요. 그래서 아무래도 궁극적으로 세금 감면이나 임대료에 대한 지원이 좀 더 저희에게는 와 닿을 것 같습니다.]

[강삼구 / 닭갈비 식당 운영 : 이 근처 보면 월세나 이런 세금 문제 때문에 가게를 내놓은 가게도 엄청 많거든요. 장기적으로 소상공인들을 좀 도와줄 수 있는 방안은 없었는가 그런 것을 좀 묻고 싶어요.]


First of all, it’s about the nurse, but it seems that the medical staff is very difficult and there are some inconveniences in treatment.


All of the medical staff suffered, but in fact, the nurses suffered a lot. And I’m worried about my lack of work. So we’re already doing so by creating a pool of 5000 people and making plans to send nurses from time to time when we need more nurses.

It is running. At the same time, there is such an income gap that you mentioned earlier, actually. So, for that part, I set up a plan to provide additional allowances to nurses who are receiving salary, who are receiving a certain salary.

So, I’m thinking to fill that sense of loss. Then, in the third disaster subsidy related to self-employment, self-employed people are provided with 1 million won, 2 million won, and 3 million won. Among the 2 million won and 3 million won, additional subsidies of 1 million won and 2 million won are included. In other words, it supplements the rent.

That may not be enough, but anyway, I will give you 1 million won or 2 million won more for rent. That is the purpose of the government saying that the self-employed people will be with them and share the pain.

In the future, according to the Constitution, there is a provision that means that if the business is restricted or prohibited, the government must compensate for it. It would be 23 trillion or so.

If you look there, it’s supposed to be by law. But we haven’t done that yet.


Then you are saying that the infectious disease method does not contain that.


That’s right. So, I intend to make such an effort in the future that the government compensates for the suffering of self-employed people, such as prohibiting or restricting business, by enacting those parts, the parts of which the legislation is insufficient.


Regarding the issue of urgently providing money for disasters, Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong seems to continue to talk about giving equally to all the people and to all the locals. As a matter of fact, I think you should go thickly to those who have been damaged.

Does this mean that the situation is right now, or does it mean that it’s always right to do that all the time?


Is it for disaster? Is it a disaster support fund? Or it’s just welfare or something like this, it depends on your personality. For example, it is free meals. Then, of course, you have to give them the same to all the people.

Child allowances are also given to all citizens. But isn’t the title of the 3rd Disaster Subsidy or the help of the people, especially the self-employed, because of Corona 19?

It’s my argument that you have to pay a differential payment. People who have a big disaster, that is, give them more to those with a lot of damage, and less to those with less damage.

In this case, it is better not to make efforts to relieve the burden of people in need.

So, nowadays, there are many people who have suffered disasters due to Corona 19, so it is correct to give them a narrow but thick differential support rather than just spreading it widely.


Okay. That’s what you mean. You also have that idea. I am not talking about the head of the Central Defense Countermeasures Headquarters, but as the Prime Minister and one of the politicians, there are many things to ask.

This time, the three ministers have been reorganized. If you read the revised article carefully, a little different expressions appear, but if I explain what it says with my memory, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, who has a growing likelihood of challenge, is growing. The modifiers in front have changed little by little.

In the past, those words didn’t go well. So, in the last interview, I’m a politician, but I, originally, continue politics. There are many people who take it this way, as if that was the same as he declared the challenge of the presidential power. I want to hear that part.


I didn’t say that for that purpose. Anyway, in politics, there are cases where you can run for elections yourself, but there are cases where you are committed to the party, and I think that trying to train junior politicians is also the realm of politics.

So, since I’m a politician, isn’t the Prime Minister an administrative position? After the responsibilities of this administration are over, of course I return to the political sphere.

However, it is not the time to talk about what I will do after returning to that political sphere because I am currently focusing on quarantine. I mean, I really want to succeed in quarantine.


However, even if you return as a politician, you have tried everything you have to do, so in fact, the only thing left to do is to think so.


A politician can run for election for any such purpose, but since it is also a politician who can just remain a member of the pyongyang, the possibilities are open.


The possibilities are open. But I don’t know if you sometimes see the Prime Minister’s approval rating like this. The approval rating isn’t at that level, but you have to put it up quickly. Don’t you think?


Immediately after I took office as prime minister, don’t put me in our public affairs office in any kind of great candidate or polls. I wasn’t talking about that recently, but as soon as I took office as Prime Minister, I asked for it.

But that’s our request, and there seems to be some media companies and opinion polls that don’t follow it. So that’s why I have no way to do it.


When I meet, I will tear it apart. But I’m curious about this one too, so I’d like to ask. What do you think the prime minister really is on the issue of pardoning the two former presidents?


You have to respect the will of the people. And that’s the president’s own authority, but didn’t the president organize it through a press conference at the beginning of the new year? So I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk more about that problem in the political world. Obviously, the president arranged it.


Okay. That’s saying that you’re going to replace the ones that were arranged at the president’s New Year’s press conference.


It is my position to respect as it is.


And in the Corona 19 situation, strangely, the stock market is getting hot and there are many people who have jumped into stocks. So this time, people are very interested in whether or not the short selling of stocks ends here and starts again.

So yesterday, everyone waited for the report on the Financial Services Commission. Also, the chairman is thinking that it is not yet time to announce. Will be considered. I can’t answer, it ended like this.

However, I don’t know if this is reflected in what the Prime Minister said last time that he was actually personally opposed to short selling.


Actually, it is. There is a system, but depending on how the system is operated, even a good system can deteriorate. The short selling system in Korea has not been properly operated until now.

And foreign investors or institutional investors didn’t follow the rules properly. Therefore, relatively small investors and individual investors have a sense of damage.

So, healing for it comes first. That is to say, there must be measures to improve or supplement the system that has been incorrectly operated.

If so, you can think differently. Because this short selling system is not the only system in Korea, it is a system that all countries in the world have.

None of the OECD countries permits the short selling system. That is why Korea has no choice but to respect the global standard.

However, it is difficult to operate it the way it has been operating so far. So, it is my judgment that if such things are necessary, the system is improved, the legislation and the law are revised, and if such measures are not preceded, it is not desirable to resume this.


Okay. I want to ask one more question. In fact, as the head of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, your role is that you have to go until the corona is over.

Besides that, do you have any thoughts, as prime minister, this year, we should focus on these things and work on them?


Of course there is. Now, the Korean government is promoting the Korean version of the New Deal. This is not just to boost the economy, but we must change our economic system itself.

Our economy in the past is a chase-type economy. So, it was an economy that imitated what advanced countries were good at, but it wasn’t that, and now that everything has followed, we need to get ahead.

That’s the leading economy. So, this chase-type economy should go as a leading economy. And inequality is very deep in Korea. We must resolve this inequality and go to an inclusive society.

So, shouldn’t it be a Korea that lives well together? Why is economic growth? They want to live well together. We don’t just want to leave the deepening of the rich and the poor and the deepening of polarization.

So, at least from a chasing economy to a leading economy. Efforts must be made thoroughly to move from an unequal society to an inclusive society, but this can be accomplished if the Korean version of the New Deal is properly implemented. I want to do such an effort thoroughly because of that.


Okay. It’s a pity for us to watch as we suffer from hard times with heavy loads in difficult times, but you should continue to struggle until it ends well and lays the foundation for a leap forward as an advanced country. Thank you for coming out like this today.


I’ll do my best.

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