Home » today » Technology » Zombie: A dead star comes back to life: a new discovery reveals mysteries in astronomy – Mercato

Zombie: A dead star comes back to life: a new discovery reveals mysteries in astronomy – Mercato

In recent months, scientists made a startling astronomy discovery when they spotted a distant star that appeared to be coming back from the dead. Scientists have noticed active flares emanating from it, which made them initially skeptical of the discovery, but the star has recently returned to sending similar signals, indicating it is trying to come back to life. This rare event is the first observation of a phenomenon of this kind, raising interesting questions about stellar corpses.

Discovery begins in 2022

The first flare of the famous zombie star was detected in September 2022 when scientists read data from the Voelker National Astronomy Facility in California. Shortly thereafter in December, researchers observed an extremely bright explosion, and the glow then continued for several months with the same intensity. This very remarkable discovery was documented on the British website “citylife”.

The star returns to brightness

After months of observation, in recent days the star has noticed new emissions that indicate its attempt to return to life. Scientists now believe that these surprising glows arise from the remains of the star after its death. The star can leave behind a black hole or a neutron star that remains active. These stellar bodies are a source of powerful flares.


What is a zombie star?
A zombie star is a star that has died but is still emitting signs of activity similar to flares of light.

What causes the bright flares observed in zombie stars?
Scientists believe that these bright flares originate from the remnants of the star itself, and this remnant could be in the form of a black hole or a neutron star.

What are the next steps in studying zombie stars?
Scientists are continuing their efforts to understand the basic processes that cause dead stars to behave in such an unusual way and produce such powerful flares of light.

This amazing discovery was recently published in the leading scientific journal Nature under the title “Powerful, intensely luminous optical flares of zombie stars.” Despite this great progress, scientists are still struggling to understand the basic processes that drive this unusual behavior of dead stars.

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