Home » today » Business » Your profits in the sky “.. Misr savings bank certificate and a return of up to £ 54,000 per year from Baraka Bank with the largest certificates

Your profits in the sky “.. Misr savings bank certificate and a return of up to £ 54,000 per year from Baraka Bank with the largest certificates

The highest yield is the Baraka Bank certificate, in addition to Banque Misr, which offers Egyptian security certificates, and is available in some public banks in the Egyptian market, as well as the ability to purchase savings bonds for a period of three years. Banks have an interest rate of up to 18 percent on savings certificates for a period of 10 years, which is within the Baraka Bank.

As for the average interest rate on the savings bonds of the three banks, it is equal to 14 per cent, depending on the rate of return and the conditions envisaged in the case of a deposit of one thousand lire for the purchase of a voucher with distinct interest provided. from the banking system.

Highest Interest Savings Certificate 2022

The banks have provided certain banking privileges for holders of savings certificates, including the issuance of a credit card to be paid or in installments for all purchases electronically, as well as the possibility of the right to a loan with relative guarantee.

Banque Misr Aman Egyptian certificate

The Banque Misr Egyptian Security Certificate is considered to be the highest yield on savings certificates in Egypt provided by Banque Misr The Egyptian Security Certificate is issued to people aged 18 to 59 and its duration is up to three years.The certificate is issued with a value of 500 pounds and can be multiplied to 2500 pounds and that in all banks to participate.

Work is done to provide the return of the savings certificate at the end of the certificate period at a rate of 13%, and a life insurance policy is granted, as well as the ability to qualify to win the expected secondary profit, which reaches 10,000 pounds, others can get the certificate whenever they want.

Baraka bank certificate 18%

The bank provides savings bonds for three years, the interest rate is 14 percent and the long term can be 10 years and the interest rate is 18 percent Once you go to one of the branches, all the details of the purchase will be clarified.

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