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You won’t believe what magnesium does to your mental abilities?

Follow-up – Zahraa Khalifa

Did you know that magnesium can help boost your brainpower? Not only that, but it helps maintain the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, keeps the heart rate steady, and supports the proper functioning of the immune system.

One of its benefits is that it helps build bones. Controlling blood sugar levels and maintaining healthy blood pressure. Instead, it also helps your body deal with stress.

Magnesium is one of the most vital nutrients and plays an important role in our physical health, especially in terms of biochemical reactions. Thanks to this mineral, the human body can carry out 300 enzymatic processes, including energy-producing ones. Now, research proves that magnesium is key to mental health. For example, people with major depressive disorder benefit greatly from magnesium supplementation.

In addition, the quality of life of those with anxiety, mood disorders, tics, or psychotic episodes improved so significantly that they were more likely to recover.

Experts and experts explain why magnesium can improve mental health, including:

Memory improvement

Studies show that half of the population in industrialized countries does not get enough magnesium, and this deficiency can have consequences as we move into middle age. During this stage of life, many of our cognitive functions become less efficient.

Interestingly, magnesium strengthens synapses in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that helps store long-term memories. At the same time, this mineral plays an important role in the prefrontal cortex.

Thanks to magnesium, the brain can recall memories stored in short-term memory (for example, where did you leave your keys, or turn off the oven?).

Improve learning ability

Many of us may think that the ability to learn is lost over time, but the flexibility of the mind and its ability to form new connections never stops. magnesium.

Thanks to this mineral, we can enhance the connection of nerve cells, thus improving our memory, our mood and the reception of new information.

Pressure relief

When we feel stressed, excess cortisol appears in the blood of our body. This excess can damage brain structures, especially the hippocampus, in a very obvious way.

This damage causes memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and exacerbation of negative emotions.

Magnesium reduces cortisol while acting as a blood-brain barrier preventing stress hormones from entering the brain.

Reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

Magnesium itself does not prevent Alzheimer’s disease, however, it may reduce the risk of developing the disease in interesting amounts, as it prevents the buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain and also reduces the presence of plaque.

5- Prevent insomnia

We all go through times when we feel stressed and have trouble sleeping, but these periods of anxiety can be prevented by managing our daily lives better, and these symptoms can also be prevented by controlling our levels of magnesium, a mineral that acts as fuel. For biological processes, the organ that requires more energy measurements is the brain, which is why it requires high doses of magnesium. If we suffer from severe anxiety, there is nothing better than eating a “magnesium diet.”

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