Home » today » World » Xie Jinhe: The cooling of the global epidemic will affect the financial market and the stock market retracement may fall in the second half of the year | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News

Xie Jinhe: The cooling of the global epidemic will affect the financial market and the stock market retracement may fall in the second half of the year | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News

Countries are accelerating the pace of implementing the new crown vaccine. Chen Shizhong, the commander of the epidemic command center, believes that if the epidemic cools down, you may be able to travel abroad next year. However, Xie Jinhe, chairman of Caixin Media, believes that from vaccination to control of the epidemic, financial There will be huge changes in the market. If the economy recovers significantly and countries begin to tighten money, the global stock market that has soared may experience a big retracement, which is expected to fall in the second half of the year.

Xie Jinhe posted on Facebook today (20) that since the closure of Wuhan on January 23 last year, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has swept the world and caused severe damage to the economies of all countries. Among the countries that have announced their annual economic growth rates, only Taiwan is growing 2.98%, Vietnam 2.91% and China 2.3%. Other countries are experiencing negative growth. In order to save the economy, governments of various countries have worked hard to save the market and cut interest rates, printing money with all their strength, and also creating an unprecedented prosperity in the capital market.

Taiwan stocks opened a red market on January 30 last year and plunged by 696 points, then fell to 8523 points in mid-March, and then soared to 16,517 points. This year, the red market opened in the Year of the Ox, Taiwan stocks rose strongly by 559 points, Xie Jinhe Said that if last year was a year of “driving down and going up”, if the epidemic cooled down this year, new changes in the capital market might be “pig and sheep discolored”.

As of now, more than 110 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with the new crown virus, and more than 2.44 million have died. This year, vaccine development and delivery have been accelerated. Israel is the country with the highest vaccination rate in the world. The United States and the United Kingdom have also stepped up their efforts to administer the vaccine. The number of cases is rapidly declining. Perhaps this situation may be like the Spanish flu in 1918, which cooled down a year after the outbreak and gradually disappeared.

Xie Jinhe said that the epidemic first appeared in China last year, resulting in a record of -6.8% in China’s economic growth rate in the first quarter. China’s growth rate in the first quarter of this year will surely show double-digit growth, while the second quarter in Europe and the United States will be the worst. The economic growth rate of all countries will be very dazzling, and the stock market may continue to fluctuate upscale. However, the cooling of the epidemic will also turn many severely hurt businesses, including airlines, resort hotels, business hotels and catering industries, etc., will see retaliatory rises in stock prices, and stocks that have risen astonishingly this year may face pressure.

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