Home » today » World » Xi and Pu to appear on stage, Putin insists on the principle of a China and condemns the provocative behavior of the United States in Taiwan | Anue Juheng

Xi and Pu to appear on stage, Putin insists on the principle of a China and condemns the provocative behavior of the United States in Taiwan | Anue Juheng

On Thursday (15), Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Uzbekistan and the two sides discussed the Ukrainian issue and relations between Taiwan and the United States. Putin praised China’s “balanced stance” in the Russia-Ukraine war, condemning the United States for the Taiwan Strait issue of provocative behavior.

The meeting comes at a very important time for China and Russia, the first face-to-face meeting with senior Chinese officials since Russia invaded Ukraine; for China, it is Xi Jinping’s two-year absence since the outbreak of new coronal pneumonia. Dodo’s first trip abroad not only symbolizes support for Russia, but also highlights the friendly relationship between the two leaders in the conflict in the West.

According to Russian media, Putin said in a meeting with Xi that Russia appreciates China’s balanced stance on the Ukrainian crisis. China agreed to Russia over Ukraine, while Moscow supported Beijing, emphasizing the “one China” position.

Putin said US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in August was a “provocation” by the United States in the Taiwan Strait.

Xi Jinping stressed at the meeting that China and Russia have maintained effective strategic communication since the beginning of this year and that cooperation between the two countries in various fields is in constant progress.

Xi also said he was very willing to use the SCO summit to exchange views with Putin on bilateral relations and “international and regional issues of common interest”. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a security-focused regional organization that also includes India, Pakistan and four Central Asian countries.

According to CNN, Xi Jinping’s trip to Central Asia is an important agenda for bringing China back to the world stage. The visit also gave China the opportunity to demonstrate that it has international allies despite mounting tensions with the West and Mr. Xi is expected to reassert China’s global influence.

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