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WoW: Echo, a new guild formed by the old Method stiffeners – Breakflip – News, Guides and Tips

Scripe, Nnoggie, Fragnance, Jeath, Justwait… legendary pseudonyms having left Method last monthr.

Their future had remained uncertain: would an existing structure have wanted to recruit them? Would the group break up, with each player going to other guilds in Europe like Pieces? Or were they going to create a new guild? This last possibility turns out to be the correct one. The name of this new esports juggernaut World of Wacraft? Echo.

Echo Guild Members

Who is part of this new roster and who is the guild master? We do not yet have any indication of who has the role of Guild Master but the video posted on Twitter, if above, contains the pseudonyms of all its members:

  • Tanks : Justwait, Marine, Leave.
  • Healers : Jeath, Potter, Rycn, Zaelia.
  • DPS: Scripe (Raid Leader, caster, page / priest), Clickz (mixed), Deepshades (caster, warlock), flex (caster, mage), Fragnan by (multirole, demon hunter / warlock) Gingi (caster, hunter / druid), Grim (mixed), Klaus (mixed up, thief), Kuriisu (caster, mage), Kush (multirole), Lorgok (caster, druide), Narcolies (melee, paladin), Nnoggie (melee, death knight), Perfect (mixed up, thief), Pottm (caster, hunter), Dream (melee, warrior), Rogerbrown (caster, hunter), Xerwo (caster, warlock), Mini (melee, death knight), Philwestside (caster, Mage), Swagster.

Note that the roles given above are speculation depending on what they were playing in Battle for Azeroth.

These 28 members, many of whom were part of the Method roster, will make Echo a guild to be reckoned with in the Shadowlands World First races.

You can find Echo sure twitter and twitch.

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