Home » today » World » Woman mistakenly uses super glue instead of eye drops: Warning to read bottle carefully

Woman mistakenly uses super glue instead of eye drops: Warning to read bottle carefully

It’s in a video on TikTok Lydia Hartman (22) from Florida in the USA tells about the unfortunate episode.

She woke up in the middle of the night and had to drip her eyes with eye drops.

– Still blood in the veins

But half asleep she managed to grab something completely different from the little bottle with the innocent drops:

A bottle of super glue.

The unusual story has received a lot of attention in social media, with over five million views and hundreds of thousands of comments on TikTok.

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– Very painful

The 22-year-old made it to the hospital at full speed, where the doctors first applied an ointment to the eye to break down and dissolve the glue.

– But it didn’t work, and then they started poking at the glue to get my eye open, explains the 22-year-old in the video on TikTok.

It was not successful either, and in the end the doctors had to use a metal tool to open the re-glued eye.

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– It was very painful, says Hartman.

She was sent home with antibiotic eye drops, and explains that her eyesight has taken a hit after the incident.

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Warns others: – Read first

Sympathy and supportive messages have poured in in the comments section.

“Ow! I can feel the pain through the screen,” someone commented.

“It looks so painful. Hope you feel better,” wrote another.

GLUED FAST: Lydia Hartman in the emergency department.  Photo: Screenshot TikTok

GLUED FAST: Lydia Hartman in the emergency department. Photo: Screenshot TikTok
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But many also wonder how Hartman managed to confuse the two bottles.

“Why do you have superglue next to your eye drops? That is the most important question here,” reads one of the comments.

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“How did you do that? Didn’t you read the bottle?”, asks another.

To which Hartman replies that she managed to confuse the two bottles in the dark.

On TikTok, she now warns others against similar mistakes, and encourages everyone to read the bottles carefully before taking eye drops.

2023-06-06 09:18:07
#eye #drops #Warning

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