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Without medicine .. 4 home tricks that eliminate constipation in a short time

Follow-up – Samah Ismail:

Constipation can be easily treated at home, all you need to do is include some foods in your diet, known for their rich fiber and water content, which help promote digestion, soften stool and make it easier to pass.

Some natural recipes also help treat constipation quickly and safely, and the following are the most important ways to treat constipation at home:

1. Drink lemon water.

The citric acid in lemon acts as a catalyst for the digestive system and helps cleanse toxins from the body and clean the abdomen of constipation, squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and eat lemon water every morning, and you will notice. a significant improvement in the performance of the digestive system and you can heat the water a little, as the water helps to heat to soothe cramps and get rid of constipation.

2. Get castor oil.

It is one of the oldest recipes that was used to treat constipation and clean the abdomen, thanks to the laxative effect of castor oil, the large and small intestine, which helps to cure constipation.

3. Eat healthy fats.

Lack of fat intake is one of the reasons that can lead to stool hardness and difficulty in removing it, and care must be taken to choose healthy fats such as those found in olive oil, nuts, avocados and others, which facilitate the movement of feces in the intestine and you can eat a teaspoon of olive oil a day.Empty stomach to eliminate constipation and cleanse the body of toxins, as well as eating a handful of nuts a day greatly helps improve digestion and treat constipation.

4. Eat earthenware molasses.

Eating a spoonful of black honey before bed will free you from constipation in the morning, as it contains magnesium which helps get rid of constipation and contains probiotics that improve digestive performance and improve gut health.

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