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With this decision, they gave the biggest help to FETÖ

The Supreme Court of Appeals Chief Prosecutor, former writer Vural Savaş, reacted to the prison sentences given to SÖZCÜ Newspaper writers and managers. In his letter to SÖZCÜ Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Metin Yılmaz, Savaş made the following evaluations:

Here is the headline of the War on March 23, 2008

Metin Mr. Metin Yılmaz;

The conviction of you and SÖZCÜ writers is an example of injustice in the history of world justice.


no establishment in the Republic of Turkey, Fethullah Gulen has not struggled with the organization until SPOKESMAN newspaper. I’m one of the closest witnesses.

To prove this assertion, I’ll just give you three examples of myself:

Since I was a member of the HSYK, I was informed by the members of the judiciary that I gained the trust of appointing judges and prosecutors known as Fethullahists to critical tasks. Therefore, they concluded that an operation by hand would be performed.

As soon as this operation began, on 22 March 2008, I phoned you and told you the reasons and said, ullah Fethullah pressed the button..

The eight-column headline on the logo of SÖZCÜ Newspaper dated 23 March 2008 was as follows: “Fethullah Pushed the Button”.

Honorary Chief Public Prosecutor of the Court of Cassation Vural Savaş


Zekeriya Öz, the main actor of these operations, is a member of FETÖ.
Published in SÖZCÜ Newspaper.

I will only write the title of one of the articles I wrote about this organization and published in your newspaper: “(F) Type Organization is a CIA-Guided Espionage Organization.”

The judges who made the writers of the SÖZCÜ Newspaper well-known, provided the greatest assistance to the organization in question.

Believing that this decision will definitely be corrupted, I say “Get well, and offer my sincere respect.

Contact Vural directly

Honorary Chief Public Prosecutor of the Supreme Court. ”

Duayen lawyers commented on the SÖZCÜ Case:

There is no doubt that this decision will return from the Court

Former ECtHR judge Rıza Türmen made the determination in the title. Sabih Kanadoğlu, Supreme Court of Appeals Honorary Prosecutor, “FETÖ and the spokesman is not combating with the FETÖ means already,” he said.

View Rıza’s Full Profile

Turkey’s European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) officer and former judge Rıza Türmen Honorary Court of Appeals Chief Prosecutor Sabih Kanadoğlu, evaluated the penalties in SPOKESMAN Trial. Türmen, “This decision shows how Turkey managed. If the case goes to the ECtHR, it falls due to violation of freedom of thought and opinion, I have no doubt. ”

S. Kanadoğlu


Men This decision is not a legal one and is totally fantastic. It is so fantastic that FETÖ and Batman have collaborated with the character of Batman and Batman has collaborated with SÖZCÜ. Such decisions show how we are governed by the regime. It also shows that we are not in a state of law and a democratic country. He puts everyone who does not like power in the same capacity. At any moment, everyone can be accused of FETÖ’çi. If the domestic law is exhausted this case falls in violation of the freedom of thought and expression in the ECHR, I do not have the slightest doubt, ” he said. Sabih Kanadoğlu, Honorary Chief Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeals, is a veteran lawyer. I was extremely saddened by this decision.. View Başak’s Full Profile

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