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With Liolio and Dikoudi, the psychology seminar for ESKA-H referees

Konstantinos Lambropoulos

With the presence of the president of the Hellenic Basketball Federation Vangelis Liolioubut also of the former international center and current manager of our National Teams in the EEC administration Dikoudi Municipality the seminar of the ESKA-H Referees Association took place tonight, which focused on issues of psychology, empathy and self-improvement of referees.

With Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - PhotosWith Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - Photos With Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - PhotosWith Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - Photos With Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - Photos With Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - Photos With Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - Photos With Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - Photos

The main speaker was the professor Nikos StavropoulosPh.D. from the School of Social Sciences and Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean, who stole the show and received many questions from the members of the local Association.

With Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - PhotosWith Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - PhotosWith Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - PhotosWith Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - Photos

It was a seminar different from the usual (it had never happened before in Patras!), which was characterized by a great organizational success, but also by a large attendance of referees at the Association’s offices in “Tofalos”. The chairman of the referees Kostas Bousias he stated that he was completely satisfied with the large number of members of the Association and promised similar informative meetings. The new generation of the “greys” is ready to enter the new era of Greek basketball. And the administration of the EEC is interested in the continuous upgrading and enrichment of the knowledge of Greek referees.

With Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - PhotosWith Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - PhotosWith Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - PhotosWith Liolio and Dikoudis, the psychology seminar of the ESKA-H referees - Photos

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