Home » today » News » “We vote blue”: Unidentified individuals with spelling issues smear election posters in Regau

“We vote blue”: Unidentified individuals with spelling issues smear election posters in Regau

The Greens do not have a lot to smile about proper now. Earlier than the EU elections on June 9, there are a number of accusations towards their most important candidate Lena Schilling, and the management of the occasion has to date been united behind the 23-year-old participant.

A smear marketing campaign by beforehand unknown individuals within the Regau group is just not very humorous, but it surely might be described as unintentionally humorous.

The Greens had their EU election posters coated in blue paint and brilliant slogans. As an alternative of “As a result of it is concerning the climate,” he now says “We’re voting blue. ” Nevertheless, with out the letter H. The “Blauwäler” additionally put down different posters, together with the slogan “Traitor”, this time spelled appropriately.

Just lately, nonetheless, FPÖ posters have been the goal of “ornament” once more. In Waidhofen an der Ybss, unknown individuals rapidly turned the well-known (and sometimes criticized) election slogan “Cease EU insanity” into “Cease FPÖ insanity”. Extra Freedom Celebration posters had been destroyed.


Gabriel Egger

Higher Austria Editor

Gabriel Egger


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