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Winter Weather Report: Freezing Temperatures Hit Korea

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There were many people who took out their winter coats today.

Morning temperatures across the country, including Seoul, fell below freezing for the first time this fall.

The early winter cold continued even in the middle of the day.

They say tomorrow will be colder than today.

Reporter Byun Yun-jae reports.

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Gyeongui Line Forest Park this day.

Citizens on the streets are dressed in winter clothes, putting the clear autumn sky to shame.

I took out a thick coat and put on a thick scarf.


″Other days, I was like, ‘I can just tolerate it without a scarf or wearing light padding.’ But today, the cold air was in the house as soon as I woke up, so I felt like I couldn’t not wear a scarf.″


″Yesterday I went out wearing just a jacket, but today I was covered in a scarf and coat… I was suddenly so shocked that I couldn’t even go to the gym in the morning.″

Furry hats and gloves, as well as disposable hand warmers, also appeared.


″My hands are feeling the most right now…they are red and cracked, so they seem to be the coldest. The temperature drops not slowly, but suddenly…

The temperature in Seoul this morning was -1.6 degrees Celsius.

It fell below 0 degrees for the first time this fall.

A sharp cold wind blew throughout the city, making the perceived temperature 5 degrees lower than the air temperature.

This morning, Incheon and Daejeon also recorded below-freezing weather.

Even in the middle of the day, the temperature in Seoul was 6.7 degrees and Jeonju was 5.9 degrees, which was significantly below the normal temperature.

[박이형/기상청 예보관]

″In Korea, the temperature has dropped significantly due to the influence of the cold continental high pressure, and most parts of the country are experiencing sub-zero weather, and the wind is blowing strongly, making the perceived temperature even lower.″

Tomorrow will be colder than today.

Morning temperatures will drop to -3 degrees in Seoul and Suwon, and -5 degrees in Chuncheon.

It is expected that up to 3 cm of snow will fall in some mountainous areas of Jeju Island between tomorrow and the morning of the day after tomorrow.

The Korea Meteorological Administration predicts that morning temperatures will remain below freezing next week, but will return to normal temperatures starting Wednesday.

This is Byun Yun-jae from MBC News.

Video coverage: Wi Dong-won, Jeong Ji-ho/Video editing: Kwon Ji-eun

2023-11-11 11:01:06
#thick #coat #put #gloves #subzero #weather #fall

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