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Why vitamin D overdose is dangerous: symptoms and treatment

Vitamin D – a group of biologically active substances (BAA), which is synthesized in humans in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays and comes with food [1]… So, the leader in the content of dietary supplements are oily fish (tuna, salmon, herring, sardines).

In Russia, the daily prophylactic dose of vitamin that adults should receive with food is 600-800 IU, for pensioners – 800-1000 IU.

By data scientists from Rutgers University (USA), a daily dose of 4,000 IU (100 micrograms) of vitamin D, compared with a dose of 600 IU, reduces reaction time in older people, which potentially increases the risk of falls and fractures… Thus, the recommended dose for people under 70 years of age is 600 IU per day, and for people over 70 years old – 800 IU [2].

Most often, dietary supplements are prescribed in the form of drops, tablets or solutions to infants for the prevention of rickets. You should not prescribe it yourself “for prevention” yourself.

If you take dietary supplements in high doses for a month, acute intoxication will occur. Overdose vitamin D can be recognized by its characteristic features:

If you continue to take dietary supplements in excess of the dosage for more than six months, chronic poisoning with sleep disturbance, irritability, convulsions, kidney, liver and digestive problems.

The consequences of an overdose of vitamin D can be a violation of calcium metabolism, leading to hypercalcemia (calcium precipitate is formed in the vessels, liver and kidney tissue, which makes them fragile) and hypercalciuria (calcium crystallizes in the kidneys, provoking the development of nephrolithiasis) [3].

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