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Why to avoid What foods are “trans fats” found in?

Many countries around the world prohibit it. trans fat Ministry of Public Health Legislation prohibiting production, import and sale trans fatty acids Enforced in 2019

Thailand is the first country in ASEAN to ban trans fats afterWorld Health Organization (WHO) Announcing each country to issue a rule to ban the use of trans fats in 2018 after it was found to contribute to cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, etc., by assessing that If eliminated from the food industry (real) by 2023, it would save the lives of more than 10 million people around the world.

Photo by Joe Darams on Unsplash

Where do trans fats come from? Animal fats are trans fats. Is saturated fat, but the amount is less than hydrogenated fat. In 1902, a German chemist William Norman Discovered how to change the molecular structure in vegetable oils. by adding hydrogen in order to keep the oil solid. or semi-solid, semi-liquid Resulting in a longer lifespan, no wax, no rancidity, heat resistance

shortly after its invention The chemist then used his formula to produce soaps and various products, later in the food industry.

Why to avoid  What foods are Photo by Rai Vidanes on Unsplash

foods that contain trans fats Sprouts sell well quickly. Makes the food last longer, maintains its crispiness and helps reduce costs. Therefore, it is in shortening, margarine, creamer, evaporated-sweetened milk. used to make all sorts of pastries and in the oil used to fry chicken, french fries, hamburgers, donuts, cookies, popcorn, etc.

Trans Fats in the Diet in Americans and the World Eaten since the 19th century, resulting inNCDs Medical reports in America indicate that It is a dangerous fat that doubles the rate of heart disease.

Why to avoid  What foods are Photo by Madalyn Cox on Unsplash

when there are more study results WHO The ban was announced by Denmark in 2003 as the first country to “ban”, followed by seven European countries. America and many other countries in Asia. announced the same And must indicate on the product label how much trans fat Ready to advise consumers that they should read before buying.

Why to avoid  What foods are Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

trans fat Caused by unsaturated fatty acids transformed into saturated fatty acids. by adding hydrogen When prohibited by law Many brands declare that fried foods such as fried chicken, fries, seaweed chips, grilled, baked, pizza, donuts, sweetened condensed milk, etc. do not use partially hydrogenated palm oil. Instead, they use refined palm oil. Fully refined, so no trans fats

Why to avoid  What foods are Avoid butter and margarine. (Cr.id.food.com)

But trans fats are not gone from the world. large food production industry still contains trans fats Many manufacturers avoid the word Trans Fat Yes, if fried foods are still high in saturated fat. which is not good for the heart and body weight

foods that contain trans fats Avoid : Pastries, cakes, cookies, pies produced in industrial systems, shortening, creamer, margarine, popcorn, convenient to eat just in the microwave, frozen pizza, fried food such as french fries, donuts, fried chicken

Including foods that have been re-fried at high heat can also contribute to the formation of trans fats.

Why to avoid  What foods are Photo by Ke Vin on Unsplash

Too much trans fat It will reduce good fat in the body (HDL) and increase bad fat (LDL), increase triglyceride and lipoprotein levels. resulting in coronary heart disease and may affect the metabolism of essential fatty acids and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body

until may result in insulin hormones in the body not working at full efficiency causing insulin resistance, leading todiabetestype 2

Why to avoid  What foods are Photo by Brenda Godinez on Unsplash

Eating excuses for eating too much trans fat: Although the product label says Trans Fat Free But that doesn’t mean you won’t get saturated fat. Followed by sugar in other pastries.

therefore should have How to eat to reduce trans fats such as

eat grains, seeds Such as various nuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, black and white sesame seeds.

little sweet fruit such as dragon fruit, guava, apple, rose apple, various berries

Greens and vegetables of 5 colors Kale, broccoli, spinach, kale, bell peppers, beetroot, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.

Why to avoid  What foods are Photo by Sara Dubler on Unsplash

exercise regularly 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes each time.

Cook at home Delicious and can choose good oils such as olive oil, canola oil. Sunflower oil, rice bran oil

learn to bake Cook it yourself, choose the right oil. instead of shortening or margarine

Avoid deep-fried foods Replaced by steaming, grilling, baking, boiling.

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