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“Why McDonald’s Coca-Cola Tastes Better: Following Coca-Cola Guidelines for High-Quality Beverages”


Why McDonald’s Coca-Cola Tastes Better: Following Coca-Cola Guidelines for High-Quality Beverages

When it comes to fast food, there’s one thing that McDonald’s has mastered – the art of serving a delicious Coca-Cola. Many people have noticed that the iconic beverage tastes better when ordered at McDonald’s compared to other restaurants. So, what’s their secret?

According to McDonald’s, the key lies in the guidelines set by Coca-Cola to ensure that the beverage tastes as high-quality as possible anytime guests order it at their locations across the nation. The fast food giant goes above and beyond to deliver the perfect Coca-Cola experience.

One of the first steps McDonald’s takes is cleaning out its soda fountains with filtered water. This ensures that only the most high-quality version of the fountain beverage is served through the dispensers. By using filtered water, any impurities or off-flavors are eliminated, allowing the true taste of Coca-Cola to shine through.

But that’s not all. McDonald’s also pre-chills both the filtered water and the Coca-Cola syrup before they enter the fountain dispensers. This extra step ensures that the beverage is served at the perfect temperature, enhancing its refreshing qualities. Additionally, extra syrup is added so that when ice is added to a drink, it creates a perfect ratio of syrup to frozen water. This attention to detail guarantees a consistently great-tasting Coca-Cola with every sip.

The cold temperatures maintained by McDonald’s also play a role in keeping the soda carbonated for longer. High carbon dioxide levels are crucial for preserving the fizziness of the beverage, and McDonald’s has mastered this aspect. So, even if you take your time enjoying your meal, your Coca-Cola will remain delightfully carbonated.

Another factor that contributes to McDonald’s superior Coca-Cola is how they receive the beverage syrup. Unlike other restaurants that receive their Coca-Cola in plastic bags, McDonald’s gets theirs delivered in stainless steel tanks. These special tanks not only keep the syrup fresh but also protect it from external factors that could affect its flavor, such as temperature and air. This unique method of delivery ensures that the Coca-Cola served at McDonald’s is of the highest quality.

The use of stainless steel tanks is a result of a special relationship between Ray Kroc, the man behind McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola. This partnership was established in 1955 and has allowed McDonald’s to maintain its commitment to serving the best Coca-Cola possible.

Lastly, McDonald’s pays attention even to the smallest details, including the straws they use. The fast food chain states that their straws are slightly wider than typical ones, allowing all the Coke taste to hit your taste buds. This small but significant difference enhances the overall drinking experience and adds to the enjoyment of their Coca-Cola.

So, the next time you visit McDonald’s and order a Coca-Cola, take a moment to appreciate the thought and effort that goes into making it taste so good. From the cleanliness of their soda fountains to the pre-chilled syrup and stainless steel tanks, McDonald’s ensures that every sip of their Coca-Cola is a satisfying one. It’s no wonder why their Coca-Cola is a fan favorite and keeps customers coming back for more.

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