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why it costs more and more

Our waste is costing us dearly. Especially our household waste (OM). And this trend is not improving, in a context where the general tax on polluting activities (TGAP) will increase in the next 5 years from € 24 / tonne to € 65 / tonne, an increase of 170% .

At the scale of the Porte de France Thionville agglomeration community, “64% of OM are poorly sorted by households,” reports Patricia Renaux, community councilor in charge of waste and hydrology. Glass, plastic, cardboard and food scraps, which are biodegradable, can still be found in the black bags today. From 2030, we will no longer be able to bury them. This is why we must act now ”. Before the bill flies away.


As everywhere in France, the inhabitants of the communes including the perimeter of Porte de France Thionville have the unpleasant surprise to see the household refuse collection tax (TEOM) increase. From 10.15% in 2020 to 11.19% this year. “The cost of collection is down slightly,” continues the Thionville elected representative, “but not that of transport and treatment,” she notes. About € 850,000 more this year, compared to a budget of € 7 million last year. We therefore need awareness to reduce their quantity and be aware of waste. “

The TGAP does not only explain this increase in property tax, which owners pass on to tenants. The transport and treatment of OM, under the responsibility of the Mixed Syndicate for the transport and treatment of household and similar waste of Lorraine North, has increased by 18%, from 65 to 85 € HT per tonne.

Not to mention the 10% passed on by the treatment company, de Dieulouard, which has modernized its machines. There is also this other tax, the Gemapi, relating to the risk of flooding: + 25%.

Always more sorting

Moral of the story: for now, those who make an effort to sort well pay for those who are lax. Patricia Renaux insists: “In any case, we must continue to move towards ever more sorting, especially since the urban area and Thionville are doing everything they can to make the framework easier. Proof of this is the voluntary drop-off points that are popping up everywhere, the deployment of bio-waste bins and composters.

“With a constant tonnage of household waste, in the near future, if we do not enhance and sort better, the agglomeration would need to finance more than a million euros. »That the interco will charge to households, without distinction.

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