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Why does curly hair become stronger as you get older? Find out the reasons for age-related changes in hair texture

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Date: ​January 15, 2024

Author: Sang-hoon Oh

As people​ age, many experience an increase ⁤in the curliness of their hair. Some even⁣ go⁢ from ​having straight hair ‌to completely curly hair. Is this transformation possible?

Human hair is formed by cells that divide in the hair follicles. At the bottom⁣ of the follicles, there are various tissues⁤ such as ‌the dermal papilla, hair bulb, and hair shaft (cortex), as well as inner and outer root sheaths. The inner root sheath, in particular, plays a crucial ⁤role in firmly attaching the hair fiber to the scalp. The shape of the ‍inner root sheath‌ varies among individuals, with ‌a ⁣round shape resulting in straight hair and a flat and asymmetrical shape leading to curly hair.

The shape of the inner root sheath is ⁤determined by genetics, often following racial patterns. According to a study ‍published in the forensic science ⁢journal “Forensic Science International: Genetics” in 2018, around 95% ⁤of Africans​ have curly hair, and the degree of curliness is ​severe. In contrast, Europeans ‍and Asians have a lower percentage of curly hair, around 12-13%, and the degree of curliness is weaker. However, it is estimated that the proportion of wavy ⁣hair, which includes a slight mix of curls, is higher.

The shape​ of the inner root sheath, ⁤determined genetically, can also change as ⁢we age due to hair aging. With ⁤age, hair thickness‌ decreases, and hair color turns white, leading to age-related ⁤hair loss. During⁢ this process, the ​shape ‍of the inner root sheath can also change. As a result, the structural characteristics of the hair,⁣ such as lipid composition, ⁣elongation, bending strength, can be altered, leading to increased curliness.

In addition to physiological aging, ⁣hair texture can also be ⁢affected by systemic conditions such as protein and vitamin deficiencies. Hormonal changes, frequent ⁤hairstyling, and⁤ variations in hair thickness and composition can also ‍contribute to changes in hair texture.

While the exact reasons ‍behind the increase in curliness​ as we age are not fully ⁢understood, ‌it is clear that both ​genetic and environmental factors play a role. Understanding these factors can⁤ help individuals better manage and ‌embrace their ‌changing hair texture as they age.

(Photo:​ Clipart​ Korea)

What are the environmental factors that can lead‌ to⁢ changes ‍in⁣ hair texture as we⁤ age, and how⁣ do they ‍contribute to increased curliness

R structures like sebaceous glands and sweat ​glands. These structures nourish and support the hair growth process.

The shape ​of the hair follicle plays a crucial ⁣role in determining the ​texture ​of the hair. Straight ​hair follicles are cylindrical, while curly hair follicles are more‍ elliptical ‌or even​ flat.

During the aging process, hormonal changes occur in the ‍body. These hormonal changes can affect the​ shape of the hair follicles. As a person ages, the follicles may become more elliptical​ or flat, leading‍ to an increase ⁤in the curliness of‍ the hair.

Additionally, as we age,⁣ the production of sebum and natural oils on the scalp may decrease.‌ This can result in drier hair, making ⁢it ‍more prone to becoming‍ curly or frizzy.

Genetics also play a role in determining hair texture. While some people may naturally have curly hair from a young age, others may begin to ⁤see changes in their hair texture as they ‌age.⁤ Genetic factors can influence the rate and extent of hair curliness.

Environmental factors, such as exposure to sunlight‌ and⁣ humidity, can also⁣ contribute to changes in hair texture as we ⁣age. Sun exposure can damage⁢ the hair cuticles, making ⁤the ‌hair more brittle and prone to curling. ⁤Humidity⁣ can cause the hair to absorb‌ moisture, leading to frizz and increased curliness.

While the‍ exact mechanisms behind the increase⁢ ⁤in hair curliness as we age ⁢are ‍not fully understood, it is clear that a combination of hormonal changes, genetic⁤ factors,‌ and environmental influences⁤ contribute to this phenomenon.

So, if you find your‍ hair ‌getting curlier as you ⁢age, embrace the change! It’s a natural⁣ part of ⁤the aging process and can give your hair a unique and beautiful texture.

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