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Why Comet Borisov Likely Brings Life? Expert Explanation

The phenomenon of parallel planets is a very rare thing. Reportedly this phenomenon will last until April 29, 2022.

There are various kinds of rare astronomical phenomena that are very fascinating. Parallel or planetary conjunction is in progress.

In fact, the people of Indonesia can see this phenomenon directly. What exactly are these parallel planets?

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Parallel Planet Phenomenon Surprises People

Lately, there has been a lot of talk on social media about unusual natural phenomena. Circulating a photo of a point of light in the sky but parallel to the moon.

The photo was first uploaded on the internet on April 24, 2022. The upload immediately went viral. Not a few are also curious.

According to the account owner who shared the photo, what they shared was an image of a parallel planet. This phenomenon is very rare, ie once every 100 years.

Summarized from various sources, the phenomenon of the parallel position of the planets includes the conjunction quintet, namely five celestial bodies that appear visually aligned between Saturn-Mars-Venus-Jupiter-moons.

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What is the Expert’s Explanation of This Phenomenon?

Because photos of this rare phenomenon have gone viral on social media, various irresponsible speculations have sprung up.

Before it got worse, experts finally intervened to explain this phenomenon.

According to researcher at the LAPAN-BRIN Space Research Center, Andi Prince, this phenomenon can be witnessed by the public since 04.00 local time from the east and extends to the southeast.

He also added, the phenomenon of parallel planets or quintet conjunctions will last until April 29, 2022.

“Except on April 29, new phenomena can be seen at the beginning of astronomical dawn or 75 minutes before sunrise,” said Andri.

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Have a Once 100 Year Cycle

Actually there is no need to worry about this rare phenomenon. The conjunction of the quintet occurred on March 8, 1926, which coincided with the 23rd of Shaban, 1344 H.

So, this planetary conjunction cycle will occur exactly every 96 years and 1.5 months in the Gregorian year and 99 years and 1 month in the Hijri year.

That is why, on a large scale, this quintet conjunction phenomenon occurs once every 100 years.

When this phenomenon occurs, the planets will become one another and pass, so that they are in close proximity.

The planets will also be in a straight line with the other planets so it is called a planetary conjunction.

You need to know that the straight line that is formed is not only a straight line towards the Sun, but can also face towards or to the left, even diagonally.

So, the resulting line is not only straight forward, but also sideways.

Andi Pangerang revealed that the next parallel planetary phenomenon will occur on June 13, 2118, coinciding with 23 Shawwal 1542 H. (R10/HR-Online)

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