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“Why Africa is the World’s Largest Producer of Diamonds”

KOMPAS.com – Diamonds are one of the most valuable minerals in the world and the place where they are the largest producer of diamonds is Africa.

Unfortunately, diamonds are also a source of conflict in the region so that this mineral wealth does not bring prosperity to the people who live there.

Also read: 170-carat pink diamond found in Angola, biggest in 300 years

The mining and trade in diamonds is often associated with exploitation, conflict, mass killings and human rights abuses. That’s why diamonds are also often called ‘blood diamonds’.

Regardless, ever wonder why Africa is so rich in diamonds?

Diamonds in Africa

Quoting Science ABC, Africa is very rich in diamond deposits with several countries on the continent being the main diamond producers. According to estimates, Africa produces about two-thirds of the world’s diamond supply.

Botswana, South Africa, Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are diamond mining countries on the African continent.

Why is Africa rich in diamonds?

The African continent has an extensive geological history that contributes to its diamond wealth. Tectonic activity has played an important role in Africa, which is so rich in diamonds.

As tectonic plates move and shift over time, it’s like a giant collision that can create mountains as well as ideal conditions for diamond formation.

This tectonic activity is concentrated in southern and central Africa, making it the continent’s most diamond-rich region.

Also read: Is it possible that diamonds can be destroyed by fire? Science Explain

Diamonds are formed

Lifestyle Asia

White diamond stone

Diamonds form deep within the Earth’s mantle, where high temperatures and pressure cause carbon to crystallize into diamond structures.

The diamonds are then transported to the Earth’s surface via kimberliter pipes, volcanic pipes that transport magma and diamonds to the surface. Diamond deposits form when these diamonds are deposited in the surrounding rock.

Erosion and weathering then erode the surface layers for millions and reveal diamonds. After that, new diamonds can be mined and processed to produce the amazing gemstones that people around the world know and seek.

Africa’s diamond wealth is the result of millions of years of complex geological processes that have formed the continent. Unfortunately, on the other hand the exploitation of diamonds has resulted in conflict and poverty.

Also read: Mysterious Minerals from Earth’s Crust Found in South African Diamonds

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