Home » today » News » WHO warns that the mortality rate of the new coronavirus is three times higher than that of influenza | Univision Salud News

WHO warns that the mortality rate of the new coronavirus is three times higher than that of influenza | Univision Salud News

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Tuesday that the overall mortality rate of the new coronavirus is 3.4%, higher than seasonal flu, contrary to some information that has been disseminated.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, general director of the organization, said at a press conference in Geneva on Tuesday that Covid-19 it is more deadly than seasonal flu, although it is not transmitted so easily.

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“Worldwide, about 3.4% of Covid-19 reported cases have died,” said the head of WHO. “By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills much less than 1% of those infected.”

“While many people around the world have developed immunity to seasonal flu strains, Covid-19 is a new virus against which no one has immunity,” which means that more people can become infected and some will suffer serious illnesses, Ghebreyesus clarified. .

Although the new coronavirus is not transmitted as efficiently as the flu, “it causes a more serious illness,” he added.

Current data from the Chinese government shows that the death rate in that country is approximately 3.7%, with the majority of deaths reported in Wuhan and Hubei Province, to which this city belongs.

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