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Who is the mask? 3 won the Entertainment Grand Prix

Miguel Ángel Fox and Adrián Uribe received the award on behalf of the show’s production

Who is the mask? 3 won the Grand Prix for Entertainment

November 10, 2022

Who is the mask? 3 (Las Estrellas / TelevisaUnivision, EndemolShine Boomdog) won the Grand Prize for Entertainment at the PRODU Awards Audience Gala. Miguel Ángel Fox and Adrián Uribe received the award on behalf of the show’s production. Fox said: “We are very honored to receive this award. For this year I have seen a lot of competition, high quality programs and a large audience. This project has given us more than professional satisfaction ”.

Uribe, for his part, highlighted: “I am happy and very honored to receive this award. Glad Fox invited me to host. It is a great project. I was asked to become an investigator for the first season. This is a winning project, it has it all and people liked it. Thanks Fox, thanks to you and the PRODU Awards ”.

Fox also thanked the production team and highlighted the familiar nature of this content. “It is a program that promotes the values ​​of family reunification on Sundays. This is strange. It is an interactive program. It is a great pleasure to put all these details together and give a program of this quality. Thank you very much PRODU ”.

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