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which lists in the second round?

Overview of the lists submitted for the second round of metropolitan elections in each of the 14 constituencies.

The lists in the second round of metropolitan elections by constituency:

  1. District A “Lyon Ouest”
  2. District B “Lyon Center”
  3. District C “Lyon Sud”
  4. District D “Lyon Sud-Est”
  5. District E “Lyon Est”
  6. District F “Lyon Nord”
  7. District G “Villeurbanne”
  8. District H “Rhône Amont”
  9. District I “Porte des Alpes”
  10. District J “Portes du Sud”
  11. District K “Lones and Coteaux”
  12. Constituency L “West”
  13. District M “Val de Saône”
  14. District N “North Plateau – Caluire”

List legend:

  • The united left : Socialist Party – French Communist Party – Public Place – and allies
  • LREM : lists of Gérard Collomb having received the nomination of La République En Marche for the first round
  • Lyon in common : Nathalie Perrin-Gilbert’s Gram, lists supported by La France Insoumise
  • “Above all! “ : David Kimelfeld’s dissident LREM lists who did not receive the nomination from LREM
  • LR : The Republicans
  • “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering” (LR-LREM) : union list between LR and Gérard Collomb
  • EELV : Europe Ecology – The Greens

Two blocks and the president of the Métropole de Lyon in the middle

In the Métropole de Lyon, on Sunday June 28, the second round of metropolitan elections will take place. The in-between tower, particularly long due to confinement, saw two alliances being formed. On the right, the rather unexpected one between Les Républicains (LR) by François-Noël Buffet and the centrist lists by Gérard Collomb. On the left, the more natural but daring one of environmentalists with the lists of “The united left” (PS, PCF and allies) and “Lyon in common” (supported by La France Insoumise). In the middle, the president of the Metropolis of Lyon, David Kimelfeld. Former dissident LREM candidate but who still does not want the label of the presidential party yet removed from Gérard Collomb.

Indeed, on May 28, Gérard Collomb announced his alliance with the right. If he remains a candidate and head of the list in the Lyon Ouest constituency, he ensures that he will no longer run for president of the Métropole de Lyon. The agreement therefore provides that he will line up behind François-Noël Buffet, his former LR opponent. In return, the candidate Les Républicains aux municipal de Lyon, Etienne Blanc, withdrew in favor of Yann Cucherat, the colt of the former interior minister. This LREM / LR alliance was not unanimous within the Collomb clan, far from it.

Defections in the ranks of Gérard Collomb and reluctance on the right

Patrice Schoendorff, president of the Radicals of Lyon, and Carole Ravaz, both former running mate of Yann Cucherat, called the “progressives, the radicals of Lyon-metropolis and [leurs] diversity friends to line up behind David Kimelfeld ‘for the second round. These two elected officials had already separated from Gérard Collomb’s teams following a altercation with one of his assistants,
Zorah Ait-Maten. But the “shopkeeper arrangements” of the former mayor of Lyon ended up separating.

Others have also said they want to leave the ranks. As Karine Dognin Sauze, vice-president at the Métropole de Lyon and 2nd deputy at the City of Lyon. In the absence of a merger of the list led by Gérard Collomb in the Lyon Ouest district, on which it is present, it will not be able to extract itself from it. In the Portes du Sud district, the list of Nathalie Frier, the mayor of Saint-Fons, a former member of Synergies-Avenir who remained loyal to Gérard Collomb, finally joined the list of Yves Blein, supported by David Kimelfeld.

On the right, the agreement is not accepted by all. In the same Lyon Ouest constituency, the LR list led by former deputy Philippe Meunier has therefore not been merged. In the Plateau-Nord-Caluire constituency, the LR lists of Yves Cochet (mayor of Caluire) and Alexandre Vincendet (mayor of Rillieux-la-Pape) and that of Gérard Collomb (led by Emmanuelle Pelluet) are separate. in the second round.

Left, a “green-pink-red” alliance around Bruno Bernard’s environmentalists

After the union of Republicans and The Republic on the march, the Greens found an agreement with the united left (PS, PC and allies) and “Lyon en commun” led by Nathalie Perrin-Gilbert (notably supported by France Insoumise). This union will support the candidacy of Bruno Bernard, EELV candidate, who came first in the first round.

There, the mergers took place wherever it could be done. The environmental parcel operators, strong from their results in the first round, are very often in good place on the merged lists.

“Lyon Ouest” district: no merger between LR and Gérard Collomb


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “Ecologists and the Left with Bruno Bernard” (EELV / Gauche Unie / Lyon in common): Bertrand ARTIGNY
  • List “Together, above all!” : Thomas RUDIGOZ
  • “A step ahead with Gérard Collomb” list: Gérard COLLOMB

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List Europe Ecologie The Greens “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Bertrand Artigny : 25.37%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb, led by Gérard Collomb : 23.29%
  • List of various centers “Ensemble avant tout”, led by Thomas Rudigoz : 19.26%
  • List LR “For a fair Metropolis”, led by Philippe Meunier : 9.73%
  • Miscellaneous list left / LFI “Lyon en commun – Métropole”, list led by Adrien Drioli : 7.77%
  • RN list “The Metropolis of Common Sense”, list led by Thibaut Monnier : 6.08%
  • Left union list “It’s the united left”, list led by Raphaël Debû : 5.04%
  • Centrist list “Let us posit Lyon Métropole with the Centrists, 100% citizens”, led by Eric Lafond : 2.34%
  • Far left list “Workers ‘struggle, making the workers’ camp heard”, led by Anne-Marie Chambon : 1.11%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The district includes the 5th and 9th arrondissements of Lyon. It sends 11 elected officials to the council of the Métropole de Lyon.

????️ Please note:

Despite the overall agreement, the LR list led by Philippe Meunier did not merge with that of Gérard Collomb. The latter therefore remains unchanged, preventing some of its members wanting to leave it from doing so. Like the mayor of the 9th arrondissement, Bernard Bochard or Karine Dognin-Sauze.

“Lyon-Center” district: David Kimelfeld’s best chance in Lyon?


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “Ecologists and the Left with Bruno Bernard” (EELV-Gauche Unie-Lyon in common): Fabien BAGNON
  • List “Together, above all!” : David KIMELFELD
  • List “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering” (LR-LREM): Pierre CHAMBON

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List Europe Ecologie Les Verts “Now the Metropolis for us ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Fabien Bagnon : 27.07%
  • List of various centers “Together, above all! »Driven by David Kimelfeld : 20.76%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb, led by Pierre Chambon : 13.22%
  • Miscellaneous list on the left “Lyon en Commun – Métropole”, led by Laurence Boffet : 12.92%
  • List LR “For a fair Metropolis”, led by Marc Degrange : 8.37%
  • Centrist list “Let us posit Lyon Métropole with the Centrists, 100% citizens and Lyon Divers right”, led by Denis Broliquier : 6.69%
  • Union list of the left “This is the United Left”, led by Florestan Groult : 5.88%
  • RN list “The Metropolis of Common Sense”, led by Jean Perrot : 4.42%
  • Far-left list “Workers’ Struggle, Make the Workers Camp Heard”, led by Charly Champmartin : 0.67%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The district includes the 1st, 2nd and 4th arrondissements of Lyon. It sends 11 elected officials to the council of the Métropole de Lyon.

????️ Please note:

David Kimelfeld, president of the Métropole de Lyon, will lead his list again. He had been quite clearly outstripped by the environmentalist Fabien Bagnon, the “bicycle gentleman” of Lyon.

Emmanuel Hamelin, a former UMP deputy from the Rhône region, had joined Gérard Collomb’s “Un temps d’avance” list. He finally decided to leave before the second round, due to his disagreement with the union between Gérard Collomb and Les Républicains.

“Lyon-Sud” constituency: Renaud Payre and Nathalie Perrin-Gilbert on the same list


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “Ecologists and the Left with Bruno Bernard” (EELV-Gauche Unie-Lyon in common: Thomas DOSSUS
  • List “Together, above all!” : Myriam PICOT
  • List “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering” (LR – LREM): Christophe GEOURJON

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Thomas Dossus : 32.68%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb, led by Christophe Geourjon : 17.39%
  • List of various centers “Together, above all! “, Led by Myriam picot : 15.89%
  • Miscellaneous list on the left “Lyon en commun – Métropole”, led by Nathalie Perrin-Gilbert : 12.14%
  • LR list “For a fair Metropolis”, list led by Jean-Claude Lassalle : 7.51%
  • Left union list “It’s the united left”, list led by Renaud Payre : 5.79%
  • RN list “The Metropolis of Common Sense”, list led by Justine Dufour : 5.63%
  • Centrist list “Positivons Lyon Métropole avec Centristes et 100% citizens”, list led by Saïdi Ali Chellali : 1.81%
  • Far-left list “Workers ‘struggle, making the workers’ camp heard”, list led by Olivier Minoux : 1.16%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The district corresponds to the 7th arrondissement of Lyon. It sends 8 elected officials to the council of the Metropolis of Lyon.

????️ Please note:

Renaud Payre (The Left United) and Nathalie Perrin-Gilbert (Lyon in common) are therefore found. Both members of the Gram, the first had finally left him. For just a few votes, it succeeded on March 15 with its list to pass the 5% mark in the first round and thus be able to merge. The list on the left will be led by environmentalist Thomas Dossus.

“Lyon-Sud-Est” district: advantage on the left


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “Ecologists and the Left with Bruno Bernard” (EELV – Gauche Unie – Lyon in common): Nathalie DEHAN
  • List “Together, above all!” : Michel LE FAOU
  • List “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering” (LR – LREM): Louis PELAEZ

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List Europe Ecologie The Greens “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Nathalie Dehan : 26.39%
  • Union list of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb: led by Louis Pelaez : 23.18%
  • List of various centers “Together above all!” “, Led by Michel Le Faou : 12.91%
  • Left union list “It’s the united left”, list led by Sandrine Runel : 9.78%
  • LR list “For a fair Metropolis”, list led by Stéphane Guilland : 9.23%
  • RN list “The Metropolis of Common Sense”, list led by Agnes Marion : 8.37%
  • List of left universes / LFI “Lyon en commun – Métropole”, list led by Mathieu Azcué : 6.47%
  • Centsite list “Let us posit Lyon Métropole with centrists, 100% of citizens”, led by Stéphane Sacquepee : 2.08%
  • Far-left list “Workers ‘struggle, making the workers’ camp heard”, list led by Marie-Christine Pernin : 1.61%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The district corresponds to the 8th arrondissement of Lyon. It sends 9 elected representatives to the council of the Metropolis of Lyon.

????️ Please note:

In this district of Lyon (Lyon 8), the left should remain the majority. Not certain either that the right of the district digests well the agreement made with the lists of Gérard Collomb. His head of list in the first round, Stéphane Guilland, opponent of the mayor of Lyon, is not on the union list in the second round.

“Lyon-Est” district: a little hope for the LR / Collomb coalition?


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “Ecologists and the Left with Bruno Bernard” (EELV – Gauche Unie – Lyon in common): Isabelle PETIOT
  • List “Together, above all!” : Guy CORAZZOL
  • List “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering” (LR – LREM): Carole BURILLON

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List Europe Ecologie The Greens “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Isabelle Petiot : 28.80%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb, led by Carole burillon : 20.19%
  • List of various centers “Ensemble avant tout”, led by Guy Corazzol : 14.66%
  • List The Republicans “For a fair Metropolis”, led by Pierre Bérat : 12.94%
  • Union list of the left “C’est la Gauche Unie”, list led by Quentin Picard (LUG): 6.66%
  • Miscellaneous list left / LFI “Lyon en commun – Métropole”, list led by Martine Souvignet : (LDVG): 6.42%
  • RN list “The metropolis of common sense”, list led by Raphaël Boulbes (LRN): 5.77%
  • List centrsite “Let’s posit Lyon Métropole with centrists, 100% citizens”, list led by Régis Favier (LDVC): 2.65%
  • Miscellaneous list on the right “For Metropolitan”, list led by Matthieu Chauvin (LDIV): 1.11%
  • Far left list “Workers ‘Struggle, make the workers’ camp heard”, list led by Chantal Helly (LEXG): 0.78%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The district corresponds to part of the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon, the part east of the railway line. It sends 7 elected officials to the council of the Metropolis of Lyon.

????️ Please note:

On the defection side, Ali Kismoune, in second position on the LREM list of Gérard Collomb, announced Monday June 1 at Progress withdrawal of his candidacy. The municipal councilor of Lyon, delegated to the policy of the City, explained wanting “from now on to devote himself to [sa] personal and professional life “, without mentioning the LR / LREM agreement.

Constituency “Lyon-Nord”: one of the rare hopes of the right in Lyon


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “Ecologists and the Left with Bruno Bernard” (EELV – Lyon in common): Florence DELAUNAY
  • List “Together, above all!” : Catherine PANASSIER
  • List “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering”: Pascal BLACHE

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List Europe Ecologie Les Verts “Now the Metropolis for us ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Florence Delaunay : 24.63%
  • List The Republicans “For a fair Metropolis”, led by Pascal Blache : 22.38%
  • Union list of the center A time in advance “with Gérard Collomb, led by Richard Brumm : 17.77%
  • List of various centers “Together, above all! “, Led by Catherine Panassier : 14.78%
  • Miscellaneous list left / LFI “Lyon en commun – Métropole”, list led by Gilbert Dumas : 6.15%
  • RN list “The Metropolis of Common Sense”, list led by Jacky Copede : 5.17%
  • Left union list “It’s the united left”, list led by Arthur Duvivier : 4.47%
  • Centrist list “Positivons Lyon Métropole avec centristes et Lyon divers droite”, list led by Matthieu Sausset : 4.13%
  • Workers ‘struggle, making the workers’ camp heard, list led by Hélène Rivière : 0.52%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The constituency includes the 6th and part of the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon, that to the west of the railway line. It sends 9 elected representatives to the council of the Metropolis of Lyon.

????️ Please note:

Laurence Balas, city councilor of Lyon and metropolitan councilor, part of LR, was in second position on the Collomb list in the Lyon north district, announced Saturday his withdrawal from the elections on his Twitter account. At issue: the Collomb / Buffet agreement.

“Villeurbanne” district: a left duel gathered against LREM


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “The environmentalists and the left with Bruno Bernard” (EELV – Left united): Bruno BERNARD
  • List “Villeurbanne is you! “: Prosper KABALO (supported by David Kimelfeld)

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List Europe Ecology The Greens “Now the Metropolis for us” Ecologists with Bruno Bernard, led by Bruno Bernard : 30.72%
  • Left union list “It’s the united left”, led by Cédric Van Styvendael : 27.70%
  • List of various centers “Villeurbanne is you! “, List led by Prosper Kabalo : 15.12%
  • List of various centers “Villeurbanne au cœure, list led by Bruno Bonnell : 8.73%
  • RN list “The metropolis of common sense”, list led by Michèle Morel : 8%
  • LR list “For a fair Metropolis”, list led by Denise called “Dany” Morsilli: 5.49%
  • Workers ‘struggle, making the workers’ camp heard, list led by Nadia Bouhami: 1.69%
  • “100% citizens” centrsite list, list led by Capucine Moreaux : 1.6%
  • UPR list “Villeurbanne Métropole 2020 let’s decide together”, list led by Christian Dadat : 0.96%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

This district includes the town of Villeurbanne. It sends 17 elected officials to the Metropolitan Council.

????️ Please note:

As with the municipal elections, the Greens and the united left decided to ally themselves for the second round.
According to the terms of their agreement, environmentalists will get 12 or 13 places on the municipal list, while “It’s the united left” will have five places on the metropolitan list and a sixth in the ineligible position.

“Rhône Amont” district: will the list on the left benefit from the presence of the RN?


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “Gathering of Progressives and Ecologists for a Solidary Metropolis” (PS – EELV): Hélène GEOFFROY
  • List “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering” (LR – LREM): Christophe QUINIOU
  • RN list “The Metropolis of Common Sense”: Andréa KOTARAC

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List The Republicans “For a fair Metropolis”, led by Christophe Quiniou : 22.74%
  • Socialist list “For a republican, ecological and united Metropolis”, led by Hélène Geoffroy : 17.65%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb, led by Isabelle Perriet-Roux : 15.92%
  • List Europe Ecologie The Greens “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Claire Brossaud : 14.9%
  • List the national gathering “The Metropolis of Common Sense”, led by Andréa Kotarac : 11.38%
  • Various list “UVI-Métropol” e, list led by Nordine Gasmi : 5.71%
  • Miscellaneous list on the left “Tomorrow Metropolitan citizen and solidarity”, list led by Nacer Denfir : 5.01%
  • LFI list “Insoumis⸱es de l ‘Est lyonnais”, list led by Moktaria Ali-Kada Arioua : 3.23%
  • Miscellaneous list “Act to no longer suffer”, list led by Belkacem Neharia : 2.21%
  • Workers ‘struggle, making the workers’ camp heard, list led by Thomas Spreux : 1.24%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The Rhône Amont district includes Décines-Charpieu, Jonage, Meyzieu and Vaulx-en-Velin. It sends 12 elected officials to the Metropolitan Council.

????️ Please note:

Special feature: environmentalists and David Kimelfeld will support the same list. Hélène Geoffroy, PS mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin, had the support of David Kimelfeld in the first round. For the benefit of which he had withdrawn his list. For the second round, as part of the general agreement, it merged with the environmental list led by Claire Brossaud. A decision that did not please everyone. The PCF section of Vaulx-en-Velin regretted this merger with a list supported by David Kimelfeld.

“Porte des Alpes” district: advantage on the right?


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “Ecologists and the Left with Bruno Bernard” (EELV- United Left): Véronique MOREIRA
  • List “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering” (LR – LREM): Gilles GASCON
  • RN list “The metropolis of common sense”: Rémi BERTHOUX

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List The Republicans “For a fair Metropolis”, led by Gilles Gascon : 29.19%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb, led by Izzet Doganel : 18.58%
  • List Europe Ecologie The Greens “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Véronique Moreira : 15.11%
  • Left union list “It’s the united left”, led by Jean-Michel Longueval : 11.51%
  • List the national gathering “The metropolis of common sense”, led by Rémi Berthoux : 10.24%
  • List of various centers “Together, above all! “, List led by Françoise Ritter : 9.01%
  • LFI list “Insoumis.es de l ‘Est lyonnais”, list led by Cyril Radix : 5.05%
  • Workers ‘struggle list, make the workers’ camp heard, list led by Michel Piot: 1.31%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The Porte des Alpes district includes the municipalities of Bron, Chassieu, Mions and Saint-Priest. It sends 12 elected officials to the Metropolitan Council.

“Portes du Sud” constituency: will the lists in the center and on the right make the union of the left happy?


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “For a metropolis of municipalities and citizens, the forces of the left and environmentalists gathered” (EELV- United Left): Michèle PICARD
  • List “We the Metropolis”: Yves BLEIN (supported by David Kimelfeld)
  • RN list “The Metropolis of Common Sense”: Damien MONCHAU
  • List LR “For a fair metropolis”: Christophe GIRARD

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List union of the left “For a Metropolis of municipalities and citizens the left assembled”, led by Michèle Picard : 18.47%
  • List of various centers “Nous la Métropole” with Yves Blein, led by Yves Blein : 16.92%
  • List Europe Ecologie The Greens “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Pierre Athanaze : 15.53%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb, led by Nathalie Frier : 14.55%
  • List the national gathering “The Metropolis of Common Sense”, led by Damien Monchau : 11.70%
  • List The Republicans “For a fair metropolis”, led by Christophe Girard : 11.31%
  • Lise centrsite “100% citizens”, list led by Saliha Mertani : 4.10%
  • Various list “UCIV Métropole”, list led by Yalcin Ayvali : 2.90%
  • Miscellaneous list “Act to no longer suffer”, list led by Farid Omeir : 2.68%
  • List “Workers ‘struggle – Making the workers’ camp heard”, list led by Jean-Noel Dudukdjian : 1.84%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The constituency includes the municipalities of Corbas, Feyzin, Saint-Fons, Solaize and Vénissieux. It sends 11 elected officials to the Metropolitan Council.

????️ Please note:

The Greens and the left have announced their union for the second round in the constituency of the Porte Sud, as well as in the municipality of Vénissieux for the municipal authorities. This alliance offers 5 running mate for the list led by outgoing mayor Michèle Picard (PCF) and 4 for environmentalists. “We have to move from competitiveness to cooperation,” said Bruno Bernard, the boss of Rhône environmentalists, at Progress. The goal: to block the right.

The lists of Nathalie Frier (union of the center) and Yves Blein (various centers) also merged to form “We the Metropolis, as close as possible to the municipalities” for the June 28 election. Yves Blein is supported by David Kimelfeld. Nathalie Frier, mayor of Saint-Fons, was a member of Synergies-Avenir, the center-right formation ensuring the metropolitan majority for Gérard Collomb. This group having finally chosen to support David Kimelfeld, it however remained loyal with others to Gérard Collomb.

“Lônes et Coteaux” constituency: Will François-Noël Buffet finally win thanks to Collomb’s list?


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “The environmentalists and the left with Bruno Bernard” (EELV – Left united): Jean-Charles KOHLHAAS
  • List “Together, above all!” : Jean-Luc DA PASSANO
  • List “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering” (LR – LREM): François-Noël BUFFET

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List Europe Ecology The Greens “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Jean-Charles Kohlhaas : 20.37%
  • List The Republicans “For a fair Metropolis”, led by François-Noël Buffet : 19.28%
  • List of various centers “Together, above all!”, Led by Jean-Luc Da Passano : 19.17%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb, led by Roland Crimier : 16.98%
  • Left union list “It’s the united left”, led by Christiane Charnay : 10.64%
  • RN list “The Metropolis of Common Sense”, list led by Antoine Mellies : 9.72%
  • “100% Citizens” centrist list, list led by Jean Pouly : 2.09%
  • List “Workers ‘struggle, making the workers’ camp heard”, list led by Cecile Faurite: 1.76%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

This electoral district includes Charly, Givors, Grigny, Irigny, La Mulatière, Oullins, Pierre-Bénite, Saint-Genis-Laval and Vernaison. It sends 12 elected officials to the council of the Métropole de Lyon.

????️ Please note:

Jean-Luc Fugit, third on Gérard Collomb’s “A Time in Advance” list, has decided to withdraw from the metropolitan elections. If the Macronist deputy welcomes the decision of Gérard Collomb and “the formation of a grand coalition, beyond the framework of each other’s political parties”, he does not wish to side with François-Noël Buffet, Senator LR and former mayor of Oullins.

“West” constituency: a rather open constituency at the end


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • EELV list “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists with Bruno Bernard “: Hélène DROMAIN
  • List “Together, above all!” + Gérard Collomb’s running mate: Alain GALLIANO
  • List LR “For a fair metropolis”: Pascal CHARMOT

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • List The Republicans “For a fair metropolis”, led by Pascal Charmot : 26.34%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance with Gérard Collomb, led by Julien Ranc : 22.19%
  • List Europe Ecologie The Greens “Now the Metropolis for us Ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Hélène Dromain : 21.17%
  • List of various centers “Together, above all! »With Alain Galliano : 18.21%
  • RN list “The metropolis of common sense” list led by Alain Godard : 6.29%
  • Left union list “It’s the united left” list led by André Valentino : 5.07%
  • List “Workers ‘struggle – Making the workers’ camp heard”, list led by Tristan Teyssier : 0.74%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The district corresponds to the communes of Charbonnières-les-Bains, Craponne, Francheville, Marcy-l’Etoile, Saint-Genis-les-Ollières, Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon and Tassin-la-Demi-Lune. It sends 9 elected officials to the Metropolitan Council.

????️ Please note:

Following the announcement of the alliance between Gérard Collomb (LREM) and François-Noël Buffet (LR), both candidates for the presidency of the Métropole de Lyon, the top candidate in the West constituency, Julien Ranc, and his running mate, declared to resume “their total independence”. Pointing to “an outdated maneuver”, elected officials did not wish to participate in this “adventure” and in this “anti-Greens republican front, […] not on the agenda. ” They joined Alain Galliano’s list.

On the left, despite the overall agreement, the EELV and the United Left lists have not merged. Even if the list of The United Left was able to do so. Even if the riding will be complicated to win for the environmental list.

“Val de Saône” constituency: will the LR / Collomb agreement allow Kimelfeld’s supporters to be overthrown in their fiefdom?


✅ The lists in the second round:

  • List “Now the Metropolis for us ecologists” (EELV): Jérémy CAMUS
  • Miscellaneous list on the right “Metropolitan synergies”: Marc GRIVEL(supported by David Kimelfeld)
  • List “The Metropolis, the strength of the gathering” (LR – LREM): Michèle VULLIEN

????️ Reminder of the results of the 1st round:

  • Miscellaneous list on the right “Metropolitan synergies”, led by Marc Grivel : 25.07%
  • List union of the center “A time in advance” with Gérard Collomb, led by Renaud George : 20.16%
  • List Europe Ecologie Les Verts “Now the Metropolis for us ecologists” with Bruno Bernard, led by Jérémy Camus : 19.53%
  • List The Republicans “For a fair Metropolis – Val de Saône”, led by Yves-Marie Uhlrich : 18.12%
  • RN list “The Metropolis of Common Sense”, led by Christophe Boudot : 8.58%
  • Left union list “It’s the united left”, led by Pierre Robin : 4.91%
  • Centrist list “100% citizens – Val de Saône – Monts d’or”, led by Émilio Ruiz Colechar : 2.75%
  • List “Workers ‘struggle, making the workers’ camp heard”, led by Muriel Vander Donckt : 0.88%

ConcernéesCommunities concerned:

The district includes the municipalities of Albigny-sur-Saône, Cailloux-sur-Fontaines, Champagne-au-Mont-d’Or, Collonges-au- Mont-d’Or, Couzon-au-Mont-d’Or, Curis -au-Mont-d’Or, Dardilly, Ecully, Fleurieu-sur- Saône, Fontaines-Saint-Martin, Fontaines-sur-Saône, Genay, Limonest, Lissieu, Montanay, Neuville-sur-Saône, Poleymieux-au-Mont -d’Or, Quincieux, Rochetaillée-sur- Saône, Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d’Or, Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d’Or, Saint-Germain-au-Mont-d’Or, Saint -Romain-au-Mont-d’Or, Sathonay-Village and La Tour-de-Salvagny. It sends 14 elected officials to the council of the Métropole de Lyon.

????️ Please note:

Behind Marc Grivel, former mayor of Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d´Or, the Synergies-Avenir group has decided to support David Kimelfeld. Ces maires de centre-droit du Val-de-Saône assuraient jusque là une majorité à Gérard Collomb au conseil de la Métropole. L’union des listes de ce dernier et de LR, pourrait faire tomber la circonscription dans l’escarcelle de François-Noël Buffet.

À noter que ce n’est pas la tête de liste de Gérard Collomv, Renaud George, arrivée pourtant devant la liste LR, qui mènera la liste d’union. Elle est revenue à Michèle Vullien, sénatrice et ancienne maire de Dardilly.

Circonscription « Plateau Nord-Caluire » : la droite intouchable ?


✅ Les listes au second tour :

  • Liste « Les écologistes et la gauche avec Bruno Bernard » (EELV – Gauche unie) : Séverine HEMAIN
  • Liste « Pour vous, pour vos communes, vos maires ensemble » (LR) : Philippe COCHET
  • Liste « Un temps d’avance avec Gérard Collomb  » (LREM) : Emmanuelle PELLUET
  • Liste « Ensemble, avant tout ! » : Cécilia SANCHEZ

????️ Rappel des résultats du 1er tour :

  • Liste Les Républicains « Pour vous, Pour nos communes, Vos maires ensemble », conduite par Philippe Cochet : 39,34%
  • Liste Europe Ecologie Les Verts « Maintenant la Métropole pour nous les écologistes » avec Bruno Bernard, conduite par Séverine Hemain : 18,99%
  • Liste « Un temps d’avance » avec Gérard Collomb, conduite par Emmanuelle Pelluet : 13,33%
  • Liste divers centre « Ensemble, avant tout ! » conduite par Cécilia Sanchez : 10,58%
  • Liste union de la gauche « C’est la gauche unie », liste conduite par Marc Cachard : 10,30%
  • Liste RN « La métropole du bon sens », liste conduite par Cécile Bene : 5,40%
  • Liste « Lutte ouvrière – Faire entendre le camp des travailleurs », conduite par Didier Quilichini : 1,07%
  • Liste centriste « 100% Citoyens », conduite par Marie Beni : 0,98%

????Communes concernées :

La circonscription correspond aux communes de Caluire-et-Cuire, Rillieux-la-Pape et Sathonay-Camp. Elle envoie 8 élu·es au Conseil de la Métropole.

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