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When the hierarchy plays: Paolo Guerrero champion of the Sudamericana

Paolo Guerrero celebrates with the figure of the match: goalkeeper Alexander Domínguez. Source: ANDINA.

The Maldonado Campus of Uruguay witnessed the 2023 final of the Copa Sudamericana. Game of clenched teeth, it was announced, and it was. Also a first-time match (LDU coach Zubeldía did not have a title until before the match, Guerrero was missing one from the Sudamericana, but it was the Fortaleza club from Brazil that came with the most expectations: in 2018 it was promoted to the first of the Brazilian and this final was historic in its 115 years of foundation). Perhaps this confluence of circumstances painted the aura of the match: it was not a final between multiple champions, but it was an epic one.

During the first half, the Ecuadorians and Brazilians faced each other, although the dominance was more of the latter (the favorites with a squad valued at 40 million dollars while the former at 16.6 million euros), with some incidents such as clash between Paolo and the Argentine Britez at 36′, which could have cost the Peruvian the expulsion due to the way he complained.

In the second stage, the favorites opened the scoring through the Argentine Lucero at 3′, but the Rio joy did not last long after the equalizing goal from the Argentine Alzugaray at 16′. After this second goal (or great goal), another match began to take place: that of the hierarchy, with one of the strongholds of the clash being Paolo Guerrero.

Guerrero ran the entire game (deeds and not words), he claimed, he made time and was key in the day despite having missed the first shot in the penalty shootout. In post-meeting statements, the Blanquirroja captain pointed out that it was Zubeldía who called him after breaking away from Racing de Argentina. The young coach let him know that he needed him to win the Sudamericana. He required a player with experience and timing reading, and tailored his system for one of these characteristics. For this reason, Paolo is a regular starter at LDU.

There are those who measure players by how much they run, but running does not appease heated spirits, much less is it a guarantee of effectiveness. Speed ​​requires a pause and dynamics a commanding voice, a natural leadership apart from the designated one who wears the headband. Paolo, the experienced goalkeeper Alexander Domínguez (saved three penalties) and the offensive midfielder Alzugaray were the backbone of the team that Zubeldía put together without being oblivious to the updates, but respecting what he could do with what he had. This LDU achieves its fifth international cup thanks to the hierarchy.

Will anyone dare to ask for Paolo Guerrero’s retirement? Will Reynoso learn from young Zubeldía?

(Matias Reyes).

#hierarchy #plays #Paolo #Guerrero #champion #Sudamericana
– 2024-05-10 08:02:52

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