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When is debt insurance worth it?

Many things in life change when you turn 18. Full legal capacity occurs. This allows you to conclude contracts yourself and make dreams come true. However, various guarantees are always required in order to be able to take out a loan or credit if necessary. A permanent job after training is part of it. The monthly income ensures that even the borrowed money can be repaid. If this is no longer the case, debts quickly arise that must be avoided. It is therefore always better to save something before the realization of one’s wishes begins. After all, equity always reduces the amount that needs to be borrowed. The house bank, where an account already exists, is a frequent lending and credit partner.

Subscribe to debt insurance

If you don’t have enough capital to realize your dream of owning a home, you can apply for a loan from the bank. They often offer outstanding debt insurance at the same time. Take out long-term debt insurance Being able makes many things easier. This is a special variant of life insurance. Residual debt insurance protects the policyholder against certain life risks so that he can repay the full loan amount even under difficult circumstances. These circumstances can include disability, unemployment, but even your own death. If necessary, the outstanding debt insurance covers outstanding loan costs. This means that the bank takes no losses. On the other hand, the policyholder does not incur any debt, which is why the conclusion can be worthwhile. Because no one knows how it will go and what life will be like in several decades.

Freely selectable tariff

Everyone decides for himself whether to take out residual debt insurance in the end, especially since there are other costs than the monthly loan installments. Because there are also costs for the residual debt insurance. These are calculated on the basis of the insurance benefit as well as the loan amount and loan term. Advice on your needs upon completion should be mandatory for all stakeholders. This is the only way you can be sure that you will get what you expect in the end. If you already have a house that is paid for, it can always serve as collateral for a loan. However, in the event of non-payment through no fault of your own, it can be auctioned off by the bank. Why an insurance benefit of the residual debt can bring.

creditworthiness at any age

In the case of a debt insurance as well as a loan or a credit, it is the credit rating that decides whether a deal can be concluded. This also affects the amount of repayable monthly installments. So if you have no assets and you already have debts, you have a bad credit rating and in most cases you don’t even have to think about a loan. You will be denied. If you don’t have money, you won’t borrow any. However, if you have assets and are still quite young, the monthly payments can be lower. The state of health is also very important. This can be improved with a balanced diet and a good immune system. Ideally, your stress level will decrease at most on vacation. You will then be able to work again and can continue to pay the installments.


Outstanding debt insurance is especially useful for long terms and large loan amounts. yes younger and healthier six, the lower the monthly payments. However, if you fall ill through no fault of your own, debt insurance will step in and protect you from the debt burden.

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