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WhatsApp is listening to users and releases an incredible update, don’t miss it


WhatsApp, the famous messaging application, is slowly losing more and more people, which is why it is committed to releasing more and more useful updates.

The development of the apps was not long in coming, in fact the Meta team is constantly looking for innovations capable of satisfying the wishes of those who, through the exchange of messages, photos and files, represent the real strength of WhatsApp : the user.

When WhatsApp was founded in 2009, it had very few features, so not only could you not send photos at the beginning, but there weren’t even the classic push notifications that today can be used to be immediately reachable, knowing the sender of the message and also the content. Since then, the development team formerly responsible for Yahoo! it worked, the application is constantly improving.

When in 2014 it was bought by Mark Zuckerberg for the staggering sum of 19.3 billion dollars, many users decided to abandon the app in favor of competitors such as Line and Telegram, particularly terrified by the management of the future meta-group, which survived over the years . , there have been many issues around people’s privacy and the sale of personal information to third parties.

To limit the damage and bring WhatsApp to a new stage of popularity, meta-programmers are constantly trying to release useful updates, listening to users’ opinions and trying to best satisfy their wishes.

High resolution photos with whatsapp update

One of the problems that still persists in the app and constantly reported by the community concerned the qualitative degradation of the images sent via chat, which were sent with a 70% reduction in quality compared to the original files. While this feature ensures instant file delivery and minimizes power consumption, users have found that this comes with a number of drawbacks.


With the new update released it will finally be possible to send high-quality images and photos to both iOS and Android devices, making an application that you use every day much more effective, not only to stay with friends and relatives to keep in touch, but also to work, study and share projects.

To be able to send images without compromising quality, simply update the application and open the drop-down menu by selecting the three dots at the top right of the screen. From here you have to go to “Settings”, “Data Room” and look for the item “Media Loading Quality” in order to be able to choose the preferred resolution.

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