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What will happen to the body if you eat apples every day? The benefits and harms, the opinion of the nutritionist

With the usefulness of the apples we are familiar with, perhaps from childhood. From the older generation is not just possible to hear the exhortation to eat fresh fruits to get the necessary health vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. However, about how apples influence our body, we hardly thought, even as their ability to harm if improperly used. Tell what is the use of red, yellow and green fruits and what they need to know to avoid becoming a victim of negative properties.

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How useful apples?

Contain a variety of vitamins and minerals

Apples contain vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP and E and magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, selenium, potassium, calcium and zinc. Together they give us vitality, helps to cope with stressful situations, improve brain function and strengthen cardiovascular system.

However, one type of fruit it is impossible to fill the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C in the fruit contains ten times less than in oranges. An Apple weighing 150 grams provides only 8% of the required vitamin C and 2% vitamin A. But on the iodine content of the apples, especially the seeds, are second only to seafood.


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Protect against cancer, heart disease, blood vessels, and aging

This is due to the antioxidants. Apples occupy a leading position in their contents among fruits. Interestingly, antioxidants are not destroyed when stored unlike vitamins. And they protect the lungs from the effects of nicotine.

Scientists from Cornell University have found that extracts of the apples really help to block the cancer cells. Competition is only fruit cranberry extract. However, the doctors came to the conclusion that diseases are not fighting the fruits. But the body with their help is able to defeat the dangerous disease.

Healing properties of Apple peel, if the fruit is not store. Therefore, those who love to peel it before use, many depriving yourself.

Restore the blood and lower blood pressure

Contained in apples iron increases hemoglobin level. This is especially useful when a large blood loss and anemia. In addition, the fruit is recommended for hypertensive patients. The fruits can lower blood pressure, as they excrete excess salt and water.


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Improve digestion

In apples is malic, boric, salicylic and citric acid. They help improve digestion by stimulating the production of bile and gastric juice. In addition, plant cells of fruits are a natural sorbent which clears the body of poisons. So by poisoning the apples will also be useful.

Lower cholesterol

Soluble fiber apples bind fat in the intestine, which reduces cholesterol in blood and protects against its excessive accumulation. Nutritionists have come to the conclusion that after three weeks of Apple diet the rate of cholesterol may be reduced by 30%. And to lower it to 16%, just eat 2-3 apples a day.

Help to lose weight

Apples are quite low in calories if you eat them fresh and baked — 47 and 66 kcal / 100 g respectively. In the fruit no fat, but eating carbs, which can at some time give a feeling of satiety. But dried apples do not get carried away, as their caloric value is increased to 253 kcal per 100 g.

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Red, yellow, green: what is better?

To take apples from the maximum of useful properties, you need to find out what sort suits you. A registered dietitian and nutritionist Anna Berseneva story in his “instagrame” that affects the coloring of apples.

Anna: The color of apples is influenced by the presence in the skin of pigments, chlorophyll, anthocyanins and carotenoids. Everyone has their favorite apples. Why exactly one likes yellow and the other loves green Simirenko? Most likely, the body intuitively drawn to that color, which reflects the presence of those vitamins that are the most urgent at the moment.


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Green fruit less sugar. Consequently, this species has the lowest calorie content. But it is the most valuable substances and acids. Among them the number and fiber, which can rid the body of toxic substances. Also sour green apples do not cause allergies, have a positive effect on the health of teeth and mouth, good for obesity and diabetes.

Red apples are sweet fruits that is recommended in cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the kidneys and liver. This form is ideal for skin beauty and smooth the complexion, but the sugar content softens tooth enamel. Diabetics are fruit to eat is also not advised.

Our expert said that red apples can not only eat, but also making them a facial massage.

Anna: To do this, take a thin slice of fresh Apple, remove the skin and be sure not to leave hard particles from the core. Do gentle massage in a circular motion, especially where there are swelling. This procedure cleanses pores, moisturizes the skin, removes puffiness and bags under the eyes.


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Yellow apples less iron, but more of pectin, which give the organism resistance to salts of heavy metals, radioactive and toxic substances. This view is useful for the liver and bile flow.

Anna: Yellow apples — Golden delishez, banana and others — have a special caramel flavor. The yellow apples taste very different from green and red. They contain large amounts of pectin that effectively removes toxins from the body, promote a healthy microflora and bile, heals the liver.

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The negative properties of apples

Even the most useful product may be harmful if excessive use. Same thing with apples.

The high acid content

If you do not know when to stop, this factor can play a cruel joke with you and adversely affect slishite. People with peptic ulcer, especially duodenal ulcers, should be more vigilant, because they are contraindicated acid contained in the fruit. Although there is a perception that one Apple after a meal can’t hurt. And for those who suffer from gastritis, I suggest eating only fruits sweet varieties.

Farming with pesticides and toxins

When it comes to shiny, smooth apples that adorn the shelf, it should be understood that raised them is not quite natural way. For quick ripening of fruits using pesticides, chemicals and toxins. American scientists from the Environmental Working Group found that the apples are in the top 5 fruits that tend to accumulate these harmful substances. Much safer to prefer the country to the fruits, even though they are not as beautiful to look at.


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And the main key to good health is knowledge measures. Fanaticism does not lead to anything good, even if we are talking about proper nutrition.

Anna: Apples improve metabolic processes, and are effective for the prevention of dysbiosis, promote the removal of toxic compounds from the body. But remember: everything is fine in moderation. You should not eat more than 2-3 medium apples a day. Acids contained in them can not only act as an accelerator of metabolism, but also be irritating to mucous membranes. And remember that small, uneven apples are much tastier and brilliant comrades on supermarket shelves.

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