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What vitamins should you choose to gain weight without neglecting your health?

Why is vitamin D essential for weight gain?

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone growth, the proper functioning of the immune system, muscle development and also increased appetite.

Vitamin D promotes muscle mass gain and weight gain

Vitamin D helps maintain proper muscle function and build muscle. Indeed, vitamin D is linked to the production of testosterone. This hormone facilitates muscle mass gain, as well as weight gain. Testosterone also builds muscle by breaking down fat. Vitamin D helps with muscle regeneration and healthy muscle tissue.

Vitamin D promotes weight gain by increasing appetite

Vitamin D aids in protein synthesis and increases the anabolic effect of insulin. In other words, vitamin D intensifies the growth of the muscular system through insulin. This hormone is secreted after meals and promotes fat storage. Insulin suppresses the effect of the hormone that controls the feeling of satiety. Thereby, vitamin D increases appetite.

Where to find vitamin D: sunshine, food and dietary supplements

Vitamin D is synthesized in the body by the sun. But the sun is not enough to provide enough vitamin D to the body. In fact, the body needs thirty minutes of sun daily. Many factors (winter, sun protection) prevent the sun’s UV-B rays from synthesizing vitamin D.

In addition, vitamin D is found in very few foods and in low quantities. The biggest food sources of vitamin D are oily fish, egg yolk and dark chocolate. Consuming foods rich in vitamin D is also not enough to have an adequate daily intake.

Therefore, doctors recommend take vitamin D supplements. According to ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety), the nutritional reference for the population (RNP) is 15 micrograms per day for adults. These food supplements can be in the form of drinkable ampoules, capsules or even injections.

Vitamin C: a must for weight gain

Vitamin C boosts the immune system and promotesabsorption of carbohydrates and iron in the organism. It also plays an essential role in the production and maintenance of collagen.

Vitamin C stimulates hunger, facilitating weight gain

Vitamin C may promote weight gain by increasing hunger and muscle mass. Vitamin C is a vitamin that affects the appetite. Indeed, during a vitamin C deficiency, the appetite decreases sharply. Vitamin C is excellent for increasing appetite.

Vitamin C, essential for muscle mass gain

Vitamin C helps protect testosterone in the body. This hormone helps to gain muscle mass and weight. Muscles are heavier than fat. Therefore, having more muscles makes it possible tohave a more athletic body having a higher weight.

Vitamin C to gain weight by firming the skin during sport

Vitamin C stimulates the functioning of the cells responsible for supporting the skin and therefore helps to have firmer skin. Have regular physical activitywhile taking vitamin C, allows you to gain weight faster.

How much vitamin C is needed to stay healthy while losing weight?

According to ANSES, the nutritional references for the population (RNP) are 110 milligrams per day for adults. In Canada, on the other hand, therecommended dietary intake of vitamin C is 90 milligrams a day for a man and 75 milligrams for a woman. Doctor Balz Frei, professor of biochemistry and world-renowned specialist in vitamin C, for his part, recommends taking 500 milligrams daily of vitamin C.

Although there is no consensus on the dose of vitamin C needed by the body, everyone agrees that a vitamin C overdose is extremely rare. Indeed, the excess vitamin C, which the body does not need, is eliminated through the urine.

In which foods can you find vitamin C to improve weight gain?

The food sources of vitamin C the most important are:

  • blackcurrant (181 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams);
  • fresh parsley (177 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams);
  • duck rillettes (106 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams);
  • kiwi (81.9 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams).

To know all the other food sources of vitamin Cthe ANSES website is essential.

Vitamins alone do not make you fat. But some vitamins, such as vitamins D and C, are useful and very interesting for gaining weight. These vitamins can, in fact, encourage us to eat more and to optimize your weight gain. For effective weight gain, having a higher caloric intake than energy expenditure is essential. Also, being dehydrated skews hunger. Drinking plenty of water is therefore very important during a fattening diet.

Exercising is essential for gaining weight. Indeed, sport allows build muscle and these add weight to the body. Vitamin D and vitamin C are the ideal vitamins used by the body to build muscle and facilitate energy production.

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