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what to eat to replenish lost fluids

Have you lost fluids? Do you feel tired and exhausted? In case of dehydration, what to eat? It’s not enough just to drink, find out what to bring to the table.

Dehydration is a problem that often occurs in the summer, because temperatures rise, we sweat often and fluids are lost.

Also they spend many hours in the open air in contact with the sun and sea, can increase the risk of dehydration.

Through sweat, many fluids, vitamins and mineral salts are lost, which if they are not replenished, there is a risk of dehydration. The skin will be dry, chapped lips, bad breath and not only in severe cases, vision may also cloud.

Surely it is not enough just to drink, but it is advisable to take other foods that should never be missing in our diet in particular way in summer or if you practice a sport activity.

We from CheDonna.it, we list the foods to be taken to replenish lost fluids, not only in summer, so you will know what to eat in case of dehydration.

Dehydration: what to eat

Foods in case of dehydration
Fruits and vegetables (Pixabay photo)

The body can dehydrate you all year round and not just in summer, just think of when you play sports, which in any case makes us lose fluids that must necessarily be integrated. But you can prevent if you bring to the table foods that contain water, not just fruit and vegetables, let’s find out which ones. It is true that some foods can help us, but sometimes we make mistakes, which must be avoided. We are not always careful about what to eat before and after doing sports.

But having said that, here are the foods to be preferred at the table and during the day, in case of dehydration.

1-Herbal teas and tea

Maybe when the temperatures are high, opt for iced tea, that you can prepare at home without difficulty. Just put 2 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of loose tea in a saucepan, leave to infuse for 3 hours and then let it cool in the fridge. Then sweeten with 4 tablespoons of brown sugar and the juice of one lemon. In winter, instead, drink hot herbal teas, maybe you can take them with you in a thermos. Both tea and herbal teas, I’m allies against dehydration, they will allow you to replenish lost fluids.

2- Fruit juices and DIY smoothies

Do not choose the packaged ones, because they are rich in sugars. Not only am I rich in vitamins and minerals, they bring fibers that regularize the intestine and increase the sense of satiety. You can take them with you not only in summer, to drink under the umbrella or when you play sports. They also bring beta-carotene and vitamin C, which counteract free radicals, protecting the skin from aging and sunlight. Prepare a smoothie, here’s how, get the juice from 2 lemons and keep it aside, then cut the pineapple already cleaned, 200 g is enough, then peel 2 kiwis and cut them into pieces. Wash 100 g of strawberries and raspberries, dry them well. Put everything in a blender and finally sweeten with a teaspoon of honey.

Alternatively you can prepare a white melon and pineapple smoothie, is refreshing and detoxifying. Peel the melon and cut into cubes, 150 g is enough, then put in a blender together with 250 ml of pineapple juice, without sugar and add a teaspoon of lime juice. Blend and serve cold.


The food essential in a healthy and balanced diet, the fruit should be taken between meals, so as to be able assimilate nutrients well. Furthermore, if you are diabetic, you should not overdo it, because there are some fruits that contain a lot of sugars. Here’s what to taste, according to the season. Surely in the summer, there is more variety. Taste strawberries, they hydrate us, maybe you can dress them with lemon and a little sugar, so as to take them to work, or consume them after playing sports.

One idea is a nice plate of fruit salad, with apple, banana, watermelon, pineapple and melon. You can also add the grapefruit, or consume it like this in winter, it contains about 91% water, not only hydrates, but goes to strengthen the immune system thanks to vitamin C.

4- Soups and soups

Perfect in winter and not only that, you can enjoy them even in summer, perhaps not too hot, served warm. A quick and easy dish to prepare, you can try your hand at different soups, even purifying ones, click here and you will find out.

5- Vegetables and vegetables

The nature offers us a wide choice of vegetables and greens which contain a lot of water, which help to recover lost fluids. Here’s what to choose:

– cucumbers: they contain about 96.5 g of water per 100 grams of product, you can consume it like this or in fresh salads, soups and broths;

radishes and lettuce

– tomatoes: they can never be missing, they are perfect against dehydration, prefer them raw rather than cooked, because they lose water during cooking;

fennel: crunchy and fresh, not only rich in water, but also contain fiber. You can enjoy them outside the home, after having cleaned them, put them in a container, perhaps after playing sports. Or prepare a mixed salad with lettuce, carrots and cucumbers;

-mixed salad: prepare a mixed salad with radicchio, iceberg, escarole and envy. You can also add other vegetables, perhaps depending on the season you adjust;

-zucchini: typically summer vegetable, to be eaten on salads, after having steamed them, so as to preserve nutrients and mineral salts. Then you can season them with oil, lemon and a little salt;

spinach: vegetables that bring many benefits, because they are rich in nutrients, they lend themselves to the preparation of different recipes. They contain a lot of water, mineral salts, lutein and vitamin E, for counteract dehydration better eat them raw. Try our recipes, tasty and quick to prepare ideas;

– aubergines and peppers: you can consume them as you prefer, but do not let them cook a lot, to prevent them from losing water and nutrients such as fibers and mineral salts;

celery: not only useful for dressing soups and soups, but try to nibble the celery stalk as an alternative snack. Not only is it tasty, but it’s healthy, it contains water and useful nutrients.

Importance of body hydration
Photo Adobe Stock
6- Water

You should never forget to drink water during the day. The body needs at least 2 liters of water. The amount increases according to the conditions, perhaps if you practice sports the amount of intake is greater. Drinking a glass of water is a simple and natural gesture, but for many it is not so, often irrelevant. Hydrating with water, natural, is important, as it maintains the body temperature normally, the right amount of saliva is produced and the tissues are healthy and the soft tissues and joints are lubricated.

Now you have a clearer idea of ​​what to eat in case of dehydration, if you have symptoms attributable to dehydration, do not hesitate to contact your doctor, who will best advise you on how to intervene.

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