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What seeds to plant in March: the keys to make your orchard or garden shine

Each plant has its sowing time and this is something you should know if you are one of those who want to turn your garden, your small home garden or even your balcony into an orchard. Well, not all temperatures or all humidity levels are optimal for a seed to be able to germinate, and from there, begin to grow that plant that we so want to see flourish… For this reason, from Cadena Dial we wanted to remember what they are The Seed Species You Should Plant This March If what you want is to start now to take care of your small personal garden and that soon it will begin to bear fruit.

Here we leave them:

  1. artichokes
  2. Apios
  3. cucumbers
  4. leeks
  5. Eggplants
  6. Onions
  7. Cauliflower
  8. Asparagus
  9. strawberry
  10. Lettuce
  11. Parsley
  12. Peppers
  13. Spinach
  14. radishes
  15. Beet
  16. Carrot
  17. Tomatoes
  18. Basil
  19. Cilantro
  20. Arugula
  21. demand
  22. Escaroles

Little space? Tricks to have your own garden at home

Your seeds do not grow? These may be the reasons

The factors that can prevent a seed from germinating.

As we have explained before, there are a series of environmental factors that cause the seeds to germinate or not, such as the air or the oxygenation of the soil, the water and the temperature, because if these are not adequate, no matter how much you take care of the other factors, the seed will not germinate as you may have verified if before reading this article you have jumped into the pool and tried to set up a vegetable garden without taking into account the time of year in which it is.

In general, as indicated by Toni’s Orchardthere are up to nine reasons why your seeds might not germinate:

  • A seed does not germinate if it lacks oxygen when it is buried: This can happen if the seed is buried too deep. It must be borne in mind that each species has needs and that you must know what they are before proceeding with planting. If a seed is planted too deep, it may never germinate or become too weak to stay alive.
  • The lack of water: No water, no life.
  • Too much water. Although water is essential to soak the substrate and for the seed to germinate, if we go too far, it can prevent good oxygen uptake and it will end up drowning.
  • Cold: Excessively low temperatures can prevent germination, although there are some types of seed that require them. Reviewing the needs of each specific case is essential.
  • The heat: Just as an excess of cold prevents the germination of some seeds, an excess of heat can also end your plans as a gardener or gardener.
  • Damping off or bad stem: If this fungus appears before germination, your seed is lost. To avoid this, it is best not to water more than is necessary and to keep the seedbed in a ventilated place.
  • That we plant low germination seeds: Not all seeds have the same germination rate, so for some to flower, you may need more tries.
  • The bad state of the seeds: Another reason why a seed may not germinate is that it is poorly preserved, that it is more than a year old or that it
  • Let an animal eat them: In outdoor planting, this is a risk that always exists.

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