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What is “sick sinus syndrome” that causes an irregular heartbeat?

Sick sinus syndrome is a general term for a group of disorders caused by a malfunction of the sinus node that acts as a pacemaker, and the sinus rhythm and the normal rhythm of the heart are controlled by electrical impulses from the sinus node, and without the correct electrical impulses, the heart cannot beat Correctly, according to the healthline.

Types of sick sinus syndrome

There are several disorders that occur when the sinus node does not function properly, the rhythm or beating of the resulting heart will vary depending on the specific electrical activity in the sinus node.

Disorders that characterize pathological sinus syndrome include:

Sinus bradycardia: The heart beats very slowly, less than 60 beats per minute.

Sinus stop: The sinus node temporarily stops working or stops functioning, causing a change in the heartbeat.

Sinoatrial block: The sinus node impulse is blocked from reaching the atria, the two upper chambers of the heart

Tachycardia syndrome – bradycardia (or tachy-brady2): The heart alternates between a very slow and very fast heartbeat

Risk factors for sick sinus syndrome

The risk of developing this syndrome increases with advancing age. Having sinus syndrome at birth is called congenital sick sinus syndrome. Congenital heart disease is the main cause of this syndrome in young children and adults.

Risk factors for pathological sinus syndrome include:

A history of congenital heart disease.

History of thyroid disease.

Sleep apnea disorder.

Coronary artery blockage, restricting blood flow to the heart.


Causes of pathological sinus syndrome disease

Damage or scarring to the heart’s electrical system, due to disease or other health condition

Scar tissue from previous heart surgery

Certain medications, such as calcium channel blockers or beta blockers, are used to treat high blood pressure, heart disease and other conditions

Heart muscle breakdown due to aging, which is the most common risk factor.

The common belief is that this condition is related to a degradation of the pacemaker cells.

The degeneration of these cells causes a change in the system that sends electrical impulses through the heart. As a result, the sinus node begins to malfunction, and the heart cannot beat normally.

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