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What is Meteor Shower? How could this happen?

Jakarta – November 2021 will be special with a series of amazing celestial phenomena, one of which is a meteor shower.

This is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when a number of meteor looks shining in the night sky. Meteors occur because of debris from space objects called meteoroids, which enter Earth’s atmosphere at high speed.

Seeing and observing rain meteors can be fun for some people

What causes meteor showers? The meteor shower, which is a rare and fascinating natural phenomenon, can be caused by the following things.

1. The meeting of the comet-Earth orbital trajectory

The meeting between these two orbits can occur because they are elliptical in shape and allow for a time meeting between the Earth’s orbit and the comet when it passes near Earth.

2. Comets eject gas and dust

This condition occurs when a comet passes through the interior of the solar system, light and heat from the Sun. At this time, it turned out to be causing the comet itself to eject gas and dust on its surface.

3. Comets pass near Earth

When a comet passes near the Earth, it appears an energy that can cause pressure.

This can also cause the number of meteors that enter the Earth to increase dramatically, this condition causes the meteor to lose power to maintain its position in order to remain in its orbit. Thus, it can cause meteor showers in some areas of the Earth.

Meteor showers can occur after going through several processes as follows.

1. When Earth passes through the debris of a Comet

The Earth moves around the sun (revolution) and the Earth has a path called an orbit.

Once upon a time, Earth in its orbit passed the debris left over from a comet that had experienced destruction, this is where the meteor shower process could occur.

2. Earth’s orbit is tangent to the comet’s orbit

Not only does the Earth have an orbit, Comets also have their own orbits or paths. But, comet’s orbit tends to be oval in shape than Earth’s orbit.

Some comets have orbits that intersect with Earth’s orbit. This is the next condition that causes a meteor shower

3. Comets seem to have tails

Not infrequently, when a comet is seen from Earth, this celestial body seems to have a tail and is like rain when there are many. Basically the core of a comet is a solid dust particle, which when it passes through the Sun it will become hot and slowly the ocean will disintegrate, this is what produces the tail.

4. Peak meteor shower

The final process is when the debris from the comet’s core that disintegrates as it crosses Earth’s orbit will look like rain. It is in this process that the peak of the meteor shower occurs. So, the comet’s core that crosses the Sun and moves quickly is followed by rocky debris dominated by sand-sized particles.

This debris is what burns when it reaches Earth’s atmosphere. When burned, the surrounding debris will produce visible light from Earth resembling rain. []

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